Baptiste Roux: “Here, in Portugal, football is different”

Baptiste Roux: “Here, in Portugal, football is different”

How were your first weeks in Portugal?

Okay. I have to say that I knew a little bit where to put my feet. I had been there before, I knew the environment… The hardest part was the language. When you arrive and you don't speak Portuguese, it's difficult. There are a lot of Brazilians in the team who also have a different dialect. But other than that, it was very easy to adapt. It's nice to live here, it's quiet. Although I suffered a little bit from the heat in the first two weeks. But honestly, I like it. I feel good, I'm in good shape. The mood is nice and the people are calm. After Guingamp, after 10 years, I needed to try something else.

How were you received?

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About the Author: Lucinda Lima

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