BCF Life Sciences acquires Portuguese company Sparkfood

BCF Life Sciences acquires Portuguese company Sparkfood

MBO Capital 4, an MBO + fund, an independent management company in the SME/ETI sector, has sold its stake in BCF Life Sciences (220 employees, €53.5 million in turnover in 2023). The Morbihan company, based in Blocadoc, specializes in the extraction of amino acids from poultry feathers. The sale of the SME is in favor of Sparkfood, a subsidiary of the Portuguese Sonae Group (48,000 employees, €9 billion in turnover). Sparkfood is an international supplier of ingredients for various industries. The sale was concluded for an enterprise value of €175 million. With Sparkfood, which aims to innovate in a more responsible food service, BCF Life Sciences will be supported by significant industrial investments that will allow it to continue its growth by combining economic performance and sustainability. This will be done by increasing its production capacities and continuing its commercial development, particularly in the biostimulants sector. “The journey we have taken with MBO + from 2018 to 2023 has been a very good cycle for our company: growth, hyper-specialization, internationalization and anchoring CSR in our strategy, without forgetting a very essential element for success: the trust between the MBO + and BCF Life Sciences teams. We are convinced that Sparkfood’s acquisition of BCF Life Sciences will open up huge growth opportunities for our company,” comments Jacques Bideau, who manages the company alongside Renaud Sergheraert. BCF generates 90% of its turnover internationally.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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