Belgian doctor expresses concern about monkeypox: “We are facing an increase in the number of cases, which is causing us problems”

Belgian doctor expresses concern about monkeypox: “We are facing an increase in the number of cases, which is causing us problems”

The monkeypox vaccination, which began in July, has been extended through August. The group of people entitled to it was expanded after the risk management group added all MSM who already had sexually transmitted diseases.

The only problem is that the number of vaccine doses available is less than demanded. Jean-Christophe Govard, Director of the Department of Internal Medicine at Erasmus Hospital, expresses concern about the microphone of our colleagues from La Premiere.

Je suis très content qu’on élargisse la vaccination aux personnes qui, de par leur age, n’ont pas bénéficié de la vaccination contre la variole parce qu’on est face, très clairement, à une augmentation du nombre de pose cas qui Problems. People demand this vaccine.It hurts to have monkeypox. This causes pain that can be excruciating at the level of the rectum. But unfortunately, announcing the expansion of vaccination without having an operational background, without getting the vaccines or the people to be vaccinated, is announcing the effects of an advertisement that is meaningless at the moment, which is very annoying for the field staff.“, trust.

“We are again behind other countries”

In the fall, 30,000 doses of the monkeypox vaccine will arrive. But by that time, only 3,040 doses are available and the number of cases is increasing. “We already have 1,200 candidates and we are a small center compared to the others.” Director of the Department of Internal Medicine at Erasmus Hospital.

It takes us a long time to receive anxious people, discuss them with them, diagnose them, and then accompany them during the 21 days where they will be isolated, at home, in excruciating pain. So, yes, that worries me. If the number of cases increases and extends to the general population, because we haven’t reacted quickly enough to vaccination, that’s worrying. We should have done like France, vaccination already much earlier, unfortunately, we are a little behind compared to other countries. It happens to us often. I think the decision-making process in Belgium is a bit slow at times,” he said. Prof continues.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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