Best tips to get rid of them

Best tips to get rid of them

In 2004 the first tiger mosquitoes appeared in France. Since then, the species has not stopped breeding and advancing in the territory. Now, it colonizes more than half of the country from April to October! And the insect native to Southeast Asia makes a name for itself because of can be dangerousViral diseases such as chikungunya, dengue and Zika virus are common. How to protect yourself from bites? Cyril Hanoun, head of a mosquito control company, called for Don’t touch my TVemployment c 8, Monday, May 16, 2022. Alexander Waugh explains that the tiger mosquito attacks mainly during the day. “When it stings, you feel it right away,” he explains. “bites everywhere It’s better to be covered […] In France, it’s more scary than a tiger because it kills 800,000. “What happens when a tiger mosquito bites?” If you are bitten during the day, get Biseptin [une solution locale pour les plaies peu profondes, ndlr.] Emergency. You have 10 minutes to cleanse, as there may be complications. If you bite someone who has had dengue before, you get dengue.” Alexander Waugh in particular warns of the health risks to pregnant women.

How do we fight the tiger mosquito? The air conditioner scares him. “If you use a fan to eat on the porch, you’re safe. Mosquito repellent works well, plugs and lemongrass, too.” Another tip (…)

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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