Bobby, 30, is officially the ‘biggest dog ever’

Bobby, 30, is officially the ‘biggest dog ever’

At the age of 30 years and 268 days, the Sheepdog Bobby, who lives in Portugal, is recognized as the oldest dog in the world by the Guinness Book of Records.

It’s official. since he passed At 30 years and 266 days, Bobby holds the record for longevity among dogs, awarded by Guinness World Records. This animal, Rafiero de l’Alentejo, comes from a breed of shepherd dog also called the Alentejo Mastiff, known for being resistant and rustic.

It is curious that the record for dog longevity was awarded two weeks ago to Spike, a 23-year-old Chihuahua living in Ohio, USA. But since then, Bobby has been identified as the oldest dog ever, dethroning the Australian Cattle Dog, who died in 1939 at the age of 29.

More than 150 years in human life

According to his owner, Lionel Costa, the dog is in good health, can we read on Le Figaro. He lives a quiet life in a village in Lira Canton, Portugal, without wearing a leash or harness, the daily notes.

Bobby’s date of birth, May 11, 1992, has been validated by the Veterinary Medical Service of the Municipality of Lira, and by SIAC, a database on companion animals, operated by the National Federation of Veterinarians. If we had to compare to human lifespan, Bobby would have been over 150 years old. On average, a dog’s life expectancy is between 11 and 13 years, and dogs over 15 years of age are considered equivalent to a hundred years old.

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

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