A year ago, he was crowned the “Biggest Dog of All Time.” Bobby just lost his title. The Guinness Book of World Records estimates that there is noConclusive evidenceGuinness said, in a press release, that it no longer had the “necessary evidence” to maintain the title granted to Bobby, after opening an investigation a month ago. Bobby died last October at the age of one year 31 years and 165 days.
This is a Ravero, a breed of dog that has a habit Average life expectancy is between 12 and 14 years On average, he lived surrounded by cats in a house in Conqueiros, a small village in central Portugal. However, the extraordinary longevity of this dog, which was 30 years and 266 days old when it was listed in the Guinness Book of Records, has aroused great interest. Many questions from many veterinarians and specialistsSo much so that Guinness announced a month ago that the titles of this record were suspended to conduct an investigation. Bobby's owner, Lionel Costa, considered all these “unfounded suspicions.”
To verify Bobby's age, Guinness relied specifically on the Companion Animal Information System (SIAC) database, “which did not require proof to justify the age of animals born before 2008”, when the dog was registered in 2022, explains Mark McKinlay, project manager. From GWR mentioned in the press release. Since age verification is particularly difficult, Guinness states that “it is not currently the case Unable to confirm the new record holder“.