Brilliantly compete to … launch a record!

Brilliantly compete to … launch a record!

“It’s a competition, but also to see what other teams are doing, to encourage each other,” explains Judy Deroubolduc, Student Life Counselor (Scientific Events of the Physical Sciences Presentation Center) at Cegep Garneau.

This year, students had to compete in ingenuity and ingenuity in order to … pull out a record.

“We had to build a machine that could retrieve the records and then bring them to the drop zone over the greatest distance,” explains Emmanuel, a student of Cégep Garneau.

If all of the creations submitted were unique, some challenges seemed common.

“The main difficulty is really staying consistent,” says Alexandre, a participant from Cégep Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu.

“For a racing car, it’s really arrayed in the region,” said Florence of Cégep de la Gaspésie et des les.

The result was the culmination of a long process.

“It’s a lot of work every week,” says Louis, a representative of Cégep de Rivière-du-Loup.

“I would say a good hundred hours to put in,” he adds.

“There was still a lot of time, we didn’t expect to put so much time into it,” says Frederic, Cégep Garneau’s team member.

Although women are still in the minority in these events, we see that they are increasing in number and more than that, last year’s award was designed to encourage them to participate.

For some, this competition is a defining moment.

This student thought of becoming a nurse because she was into the natural sciences and because she studied science, on tour! I went to polytechnic in electrical engineering. And she says that science, we shoot! She changed her career decision,” recalls Judy DeVille Bolduc.

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Although the competition is scientific, participants can also earn points in other areas.

“We see teams arrive so prepared because they are evaluated on the basis of communication,” notes Jodi DeRover-Boldock.

“We will fee To present our racing car!

this fee Inspired by the Star Wars universe,” says Florence.

Participants are sure to leave with a prize or not, and they will definitely leave with their rich experience.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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