CAF is committed to sustainable development | Atalayar

CAF is committed to sustainable development |  Atalayar

CAF, the development bank for Latin America, is organized in Lisbon Portugal, Latin America and the Caribbean Conference on “Working Together for Sustainable Development”. This meeting, in collaboration with the Portuguese Ministry of Finance and the Institute for the Advancement of Latin America and the Caribbean (IPDAL), aims to promote dialogue on the transatlantic relationship and to search for opportunities and challenges to achieve the goals.

conspiracy, It was inaugurated by CAF CEO, Sergio Diaz Granados, and Finance Minister Fernando Medina., brought together specialists from different countries who focused their interventions on three main areas: sustainable coastal tourism; sustainable models of water supply and sanitation, an issue of great importance to the Bank, since only 69% of the population in Latin America has safe access to water; Energy Transition and Investment Opportunities in Latin American Countries.

Photo/ATALAYAR – Portugal Conference – Latin America and the Caribbean to Strengthen Economic and Trade Relations with the participation of CAF, the Development Bank of Latin America and the Portuguese Ministry of Finance

Mr. Diaz-Granados confirmed The importance of strengthening cooperation in forums such as this Latin-Portuguese meeting and deepening transatlantic trade relations To meet the global challenges facing the planet. Although there are many areas that, according to the CEO, could illustrate the need to bring the two regions closer together, water insecurity in Latin America, the potential to reshape the tourism sector and the potential for the region’s transition to energy were the three main themes of the meeting.

On his part, the Minister indicated that The essential role of Spain and Portugal as leaders in Europe’s relations with Latin America and the Caribbeanwhile welcoming the importance of the CAF – Development Bank for Latin America as a space for convergence and partnership in key sectors, such as the blue sector, technological innovation and energy.

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Photo/ATALAYAR – Portugal – Conference on Latin America and the Caribbean in Lisbon, Portugal

This was followed by the development of the three episodes around the main issues, during which the challenges we face were highlighted and The need to work together, both in management and in the private enterpriseBecause cooperation is the key to meeting the challenges we face.

The Committee on Sustainable Tourism was the keynote speaker, Alicia Montalvo, Chair of Climate Action and Positive Biodiversity at CAF, who Highlight the “Sustainable Living and Tourism” initiative as an integrated business strategy To build a tourism sector that improves living conditions in destinations, both for the communities they inhabit and for the rest of the ecosystem, while promoting economic development based on past experiences. A program that can be used to develop and preserve tourist areas in Latin America.

Photo/ATALAYAR – Speakers at the session moderated by Angel Cardenas, Director of Urban Development, Water and Creative Economics at CAF – Development Bank for Latin America, during the Portugal, Latin America and the Caribbean Conference

Among the panelists are Marta Cabral, CEO of Rota Vicentina, Portugal; Carolina Mendonca, Regional Secretary for Tourism, Mobility and Infrastructure, Government of the Azores; Felipe Alava Riofrio, Director of Planning and Regional Development, Ecuador’s Ministry of Tourism; and Jake Kell, Vice President, The Puntacana Group, Dominican Republic.

The second panel opened with Angel Cardenas, Head of Urban Development, Water and Creative Economics at CAF, who explained the role of water security in sustainable societies And the search for sustainable development, through transparency and attention to water quality and the importance of the circular economy in one of the regions where there is the greatest inequality in access to water sources, clean and safe water.

after his speech, The state of water and sanitation discussed by Claudio de Jesus, President of Aguas de Portugal Internacional; Joanna Patiño, Deputy Director of Water, Empresa Pública Metropolitana de Agua Potable y Saneamiento de Quito (EMPMMAPS); Victor Alarcon, General Manager, Servicio de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado de Lima (SEDAPAL); and Cristina Arango, General Manager of Empresa de Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Bogotá (EAAB).

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Photo/ATALAYAR – Antonio Silvera, CAF Infrastructure Director at the Portugal, Latin America and the Caribbean Conference in Lisbon

Finally, a discussion took place on the environmental transition and investment opportunities. However, before the keynote speaker, Antonio Silveira, Director of CAF Infrastructure, it was the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Francisco André, who took the floor. Antonio Silvera then focused his presentation on the opportunities for energy transition in Latin America, given its moderate emissions and high renewable energy generation capacity., such as hydropower or natural gas. However, Mr. Silvera stressed the need to strengthen, modernize and renew the region’s energy infrastructure.

Photo/ATALAYAR – Jorge Arbach, Vice President of the Private Sector at CAF – Latin American Development Bank, during the “Portugal Conference – Latin America and the Caribbean” to promote economic and trade relations

Mr. Silveira moderated the following round table with the participation of João Galampa, Minister of State for Environment and Energy of Portugal; José João Guilherme, CEO of Caixa Geral de Depósitos; Luis Rebelo de Sousa, Executive Director of AICEP Portugal Global; and Monica Contreras, President of Transportadora de Gas Internacional (TGI) in Colombia.

The closing ceremony was presided over by Ricardo Mourinho Felix, Vice President of the European Investment Bank (EIB) and Jorge Arbach, Vice President of Private Sector at CAF. Mr. Arbache wanted to emphasize once again the meeting space and future prospects that CAF-Development Bank of Latin America presents for development, in terms of economic, human and social growth in the region, rather than in terms of a globally sustainable future. Built on good power relations.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

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