Canada vs Putin

Canada vs Putin

In one week the state of the world changed. Vladimir Putin’s despicable attack is forcing all countries to reconsider their approach. In the face of the unacceptable, you have to know how to stand. Over the past few days, Canada has stoodUnder the leadership of Justin Trudeau.

What seemed improbable, even unimaginable, a week ago suddenly became necessary. Canada’s shipment of lethal weapons to Ukraine, for example. Canada, the country of the blue helmets of peacekeeping, initially preferred to support the Ukrainian army with protective equipment. Helmets and flak jackets.

I don’t underestimate the importance of sending in protective gear. They are certainly necessary to protect the thousands of civilians, without military experience, who bravely take up arms to defend their country against the occupier.

It should be noted that their courage is impressive. Especially in the comfortable world of 2022. A Ukrainian woman told me last week at LCN that her husband had been working as a computer scientist until last Wednesday. On Friday, this father, in his forties, was patrolling the streets of Kyiv with a Kalashnikov in his hands.

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We need weapons

But the protective equipment is not enough to repel the enemy who is attacking with combat aircraft, missiles and tanks. So the Canadian government decided to take the next step: send in weapons of war and lethal equipment.

We wondered if Canada would dare. When I heard the announcement, I was proud. Our country is standing up, and our country is doing what it wasn’t planning to do to respond to an attack that shouldn’t have happened.

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If we collectively welcome the courage of the Ukrainians, and if we count on their ability to stop Putin’s expansionist excesses, we must at least equip them with the necessary equipment.

Putin has made threats against countries that would help Ukraine in this way. Canada refuses to bow down in the face of threats. thing to do. In any case, the best protection against a bloodthirsty like Putin is for the West to present a united front.


Moreover, this is exactly what is blocking the Russian president’s medium-term strategy: unity against him. NATO has been showing signs of weakness and division for several years. Putin’s invasion demonstrated the need for this mutual protection agreement. And NATO member states are showing a new determination.

The European Union was experiencing divergence of interests and a decline in leadership. Demonstrated unity in action by swiftly coordinating all responses to the Russian declaration of war. The European Union has participated in the efforts of its members to organize significant arms supplies to Ukraine.

In this harmony of unity, Canada plays its part with honor. We’ll have to stay on top, maybe for a long time.

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About the Author: Hermínio Guimarães

"Introvertido premiado. Viciado em mídia social sutilmente charmoso. Praticante de zumbis. Aficionado por música irritantemente humilde."

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