Castella: A soft cake like no other

Castella: A soft cake like no other

Cake Fluffy, airy and very soft This is the result you get when you follow the official recipe to the letter. Castilla ! Also called sponge cake in France, we found a great recipe!

What is castella cake?

La Castilla (or Japanese-style Kasutera) is a sponge cake Very popular in Japan but initially this cake is Portuguese. It was imported into Japanese territory In the sixteenth century by Portuguese merchants. Its name is also derived from the Portuguese language Pau de Castilla Which can be translated as “Castile bread”. This delicious cake is made from Only 4 ingredients : sugar, flour, eggs and honey give an airy result with lots of contrast: soft and crunchy thanks to its lovely brown crust. This very soft, mild-tasting cake is very popular in Japan, where the pastry is eaten with very little sugar, and generally served with green tea.

On social networks, this soft bun causes panic on the web, and the instagramfou de patisserie account reaches us Very easy recipe step by step :

Official Castella recipe:

ingredients :

for device:

  • 3 eggs
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 100 grams of bread flour
  • 2 and a half tablespoons of honey
  • 1 and a half teaspoons of lukewarm water

for a drink

  • Half a tablespoon of honey
  • A teaspoon of lukewarm water

steps :

  1. to heat the oven at 160°C Cut the parchment paper to the size of the rectangular cake pan.
  2. Sift the flour twice through a sieve or sieve.
  3. Mix warm water with honey, then whisk.
  4. Beat the eggs vigorously until you get a creamy consistency Homogeneous mixture.
  5. Add sugar and beat on high speed for 5 minutes. The mixture should double in volume and have a thick, pale yellow consistency.
  6. Add the whipped honey and lukewarm water to the sugar and egg mixture and whisk gently for 30 seconds.
  7. Gradually add the bread flour three times and beat again on low speed for about fifteen seconds, repeat the process three times Each time flour is added. Be careful not to over mix.
  8. mold butter f Put the parchment paper on it So that it sticks well to the walls.
  9. Pour in batter until approx 80% from the template.
  10. Using a wooden shovel, draw a line down the middle of the dough releasing air bubbles present in the dough.
  11. Gently press the mold filled with dough in the business plan To release the air in the dough again.
  12. Castella is baked in the oven for 30 to 40 minutes 160°C until the crust is golden brown. Before taking it out, plant a spade or knife blade to check for cooking in the middle of the castella.
  13. Take the cake out of the oven and Put the drink right away On the still warm castella using a silicone brush.
  14. Once covered, gently unmold the cake and remove its baking paper.
  15. Wrap the castella with a piece of plastic wrap Love moisture And makes it maintain its softness. Let the cake cool to room temperature Put it in the fridge overnight“head” down, so that it maintains its smooth and soft texture.

The next day it is ready for tasting With tea or coffee !

Recipe courtesy of Japanese chef Nami from the Just One Cook Book blog.

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

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