A small revolution in the world of medical diagnostic tools. It’s called Lensfree, the lensless photographer (or microscope) created by CEA-Leti and its partners that uses holography. by saying, “Uses a method for recording the phase and amplitude of a wave diffracted by an objectThis makes it possible to restore its image in three dimensions. If you place a sample under it, a digital image is created in real time, under the influence of computational calculations.
“Lensless microscopy enables the development of a new generation of portable biological analysis tools that can be used as close to the patient as possible.explains Sophie Morales, Head of the Life Imaging System (LSIV) Laboratory in the Department of Biology and Health Technologies (DTBS). “It should also, in the future, serve as a reading system for mini self-diagnostic kits that a patient can use.“.
This lensless microscope operates in ambient light with near-real-time 3D reconstruction; It can be used at the foot of a patient’s bed, for example to detect meningitis, from a cerebrospinal fluid sample (a technique developed in partnership with IHU Marseille-Méditerranée infection). © C. Morel / DR CEA
But how does it work? The lensless microscope contains an LED that emits light on a sample. In the same way that a pebble causes waves when it falls into water, the convergence of light and our sample will disturb the light signal (the phenomenon of deviation). These modifications will be recorded by the CMOS sensor, and then processed by a digital image-detection reconstruction algorithm.
“This technology is compact and easy to use and can image up to 20,000 cells, where with a conventional microscope we can only see hundreds of cells.Sophie Morales.