Celine Salette’s sci-fi series, will it have a season 2?

Celine Salette’s sci-fi series, will it have a season 2?

This ends Monday, April 18th! The original creation of Canal +, Infinitinearing its end. But is a sequel planned?

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On Monday, April 18th, Canal + will broadcast the last two episodes ofInfinitiThe series, worn by French actress Céline Salette. This original creation of the encrypted channel, which absolutely amazed us, takes its viewers miles from planet Earth, to the stars. The fantasy of Celine Salette “Mystical excitement or cosmic inquiry”, follows Anna, a French astronaut, trying to understand why one of her colleagues, who was supposed to be on a mission thousands of kilometers away at the International Space Station (ISS), was found beheaded on the roof of an abandoned building in Kazakhstan. . This is where this story tinged with mysticism, mystery, thriller and fantasy, but also a lot of humanity, begins. If you, like us, liked this fantasy that brings together unknown actors, you will surely wonder if there will be a sequel…

serial Infiniti Will there be season 2?

At present, the series has not been officially announced Infiniti It should be for season two. The original creation of Channel+, directed by Thierry Poirot (empty area), it was sold as a mini-series. So it’s unlikely that we’ll see new episodes of fantasy arrive in the near future. However, you never know if the production and private channel get together to continue this story.

What are Celine Salette’s upcoming projects?

If you like the French actress, know that Céline Salette will soon take part in many other projects. She will first be one of the main actresses in Damien O’Doll’s next film, a free adaptation of Jules Renard’s cult novel, Red hair. You’ll also find it in glamorous, a film by Sylvie Gaultier, who after a series of documentaries will make a fictional film about a woman who cannot read. But above all… the actress is preparing for her first feature film. The actress will soon be stepping behind the camera and doing a biopic by Nikki de Saint Phalle. Notably Charlotte Le Bon will be the lead actress for this project. Damien Bonnard (Found in Les Miserables by Ladj Ly) will also be in the cast.

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serial Infiniti Available in full on Channel +

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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