Changing course with Jorge Maciel and Sport Republic?

Changing course with Jorge Maciel and Sport Republic?

Invited to speak about the change of management at VAFC and the arrival of Sport Republic, Jorge Maciel delivered a very articulate speech that focused on change, action, responsibility and ambition. The Portuguese even invoked the memory of Jean-Louis Borloo, the former president of the club and mayor of the city.

A new vision in Mont Hoi

there Jorge Maciel’s first press conference Undoubtedly, he is the happiest fan of Valenciennes. For thirty minutes, the Portuguese made a speech as ambitious as the game he wants to champion in Virginia. He was asked about the consequences of the investment company’s acquisition of the club Sports RepublicThe former LOSC assistant coach was enthusiastic about the idea of ​​renewal embodied by his arrival and change of management. ” I think it’s a big responsibility we haveCatch. You really feel that there is something about the club, that people expect something. »

Jorge Maciel is also on the lookout. Anticipate changing club dynamics as ” The first feeling is that people want to move on.” We are all in the same scheme and we will find things to make a good project. A project where the residents of Valenciennes get acquainted“, reassured the 37-year-old debutante. To illustrate this project, the Portuguese jumps into the past by invoking the memory of Jean-Louis Borloo, former president of the VAFC (1986-1994, 2014) and mayor of Valenciennes (1989-2002), among others. Show real knowledge of his subject at the same time.

Jean-Louis Borloo, “A Wonderful Personality”

I think there is a great figure in the history of the city: Jean-Louis BorlooJorge Maciel said. We must take inspiration from it. He was someone who had a vision for the city. With the residents’ values ​​- work and respect – the city has completely changed. And the new VAFC coach intends to do the same with his flock: This is what we have to offer the club: a vision, with business values, responsibility and ambition, to do something the people and supporters totally identify with.. »

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Changing direction first by training with his staff, already more intense and demanding than his predecessors according to the first comments. ” It’s the little details that make all the difference in changing a culturejustified the Lusitanian tech. This is what will show the fans a different level of confidence and performance on the field. »

Cautious but thoughtful in his message, Jorge Maciel has repeatedly reminded us that we should not ” Do not talk too much “but rather” Signs appear On the field. If it has to wait a few weeks to get an idea of ​​who the technician really is, caller Jorge Maciel has already scored valuable points with VAFC fans.

Enzo Pilot

Image credits: VAFC

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