Charny sur Meuse. A resource center for raising awareness of science among Meuse schoolchildren

Charny sur Meuse.  A resource center for raising awareness of science among Meuse schoolchildren

In October 2021, the School of Charny-sur-Meuse becomes the new science center in the North Meuse. Geographically centrally located so that teachers in the north of the Meuse can easily access the educational tools of this system created jointly by National Education and Maison pour la science de Nancy

Which aims to promote the teaching of scientific subjects in an enjoyable manner.

educational groups

About thirty suitcases full of documents and educational materials organized on various topics, such as electricity, anatomy, weather, living world, space, etc., with practical tools such as a microscope, skeleton, anatomical models, robots…” The interesting thing is that It lets you create experiences, takes the drama out of the materials a bit, and the fun aspect means the mayonnaise takes on instantly with the kids,” assures educator Remy Millard who manages the logistics of bag reservations.


Loans are provided via the online application in order to reserve the selected equipment. “Then either the teacher comes to take the material, or I hand it in, or it goes through an educational consultant who gives it to him, and we run it,” explains Remy Millard. “The goal is to get the equipment back to work because there is a really interesting giveaway.” Little by little, the device is gaining momentum. The teachers who have tested the tools, through word of mouth, are becoming the best ambassadors with their colleagues.

The Maisons pour la science network is coordinated by the “La main à la pâte” Foundation.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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