Christophe Honoré, with his “Le Lycéen”, is the heir of Wilhelm Meister Goethe’s film, Le Monde …

Christophe Honoré, with his “Le Lycéen”, is the heir of Wilhelm Meister Goethe’s film, Le Monde …

We’re talking about the woof…

A healthy activity that consists of going to work opposite the hut, the word came from the English language, and this word woofing I find

In the interview with a 20-year-old interviewed by Le Monde, Paul Kercher who is going to Iceland to live with a sheep farmer, because he has been drawn to the end of the world since he read

“Believe in Wild Beasts” by Nastasja Martin, A French anthropologist recounted her heartbreak after being left bleeding by a bear in Kamchatka.

And so, flipping through the press, I feed on other people’s iterations. Because basically, if the world is questioning Paul Kercher, it is because the son of actors and the actor himself, he plays a boy whose feelings overcome his father’s mourning, in High School Student, a film directed by Christophe Honoré. Its own history, about which you will read wonderful and beautiful sentences in Télérama, Canard enchaîné, the cross and

Tahrir site – where Sandra Onana tells us we learn about Christophe Honoré’s films through familiar music : “The noise of dishes being cleaned in the house as melancholic people, not knowing what to do with their hands, busy themselves in the kitchen. This concern for dirty dishes gives the certainty that the characters have outlived themselves, resounding when they seem to clash ready to sink the fights they They don’t want to fight it.” Reading this, thank you fellow, I am thinking of the noises heard in my house…

Au Monde Paul Kircher says that for the role, Honoré gave him an old book from his library called “Tenderness on the Skin”, about a gay boy in the US in the 1960s, and advised him to see “A our love of Pialat – cinema as journalism travels…

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The world also teaches me Of the novels and films that talk about the loss of adolescence,

They are from Wilhelm Meister’s “Years of Apprenticeship”by Goethe published in 1796 … We have come from afar …

Télérama sticks to the cinema and goes to Quimperwhere Katorza, arthouse cinema and the famous Cinéville complex coexist, the audience does not mix – in Cinéville teenagers go to see Marvel, they don’t really know French cinema, but we will go to the next Asterix because Zlatan Ibrahimovic plays in it …

Télérama receives Christian Bruel again, who writes and publishes children’s books, and values ​​them so much that he dares to use the big bad word “politics” in their literature, because children’s readings make adult morals. Broyle criticizes old Becassin who criticized suffrage 110 years ago, but hails an old beaver dad, “Red Hen,” because it tells the story of two females, a hen and a dove who decide to live together, was extraordinary in 1947…

The Tahrir Fair for Young Writers surrenders to its authors who, in a whirlwind of drawings and words, invite us to disobedience…

Here, disobedience is also the question of the Onebecause it redefines politics, this disobedience … We talk about ecology and feminism, we hear José Bovi, but far-right identity also disobeys – and we read a poem about a hermit who did not want to be a pope in the Middle Ages “He who refuses regrets nothing and yet overcomes it This is not accurate throughout his life.”

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And speaking of injustice…

What happened to Letitia, a native of the Balfour region and a travel enthusiast,

who tells the republican east, How to prevent the emission of the M6 ​​area after I followed it road trip Her family is in the States, she messes with the photos and fabricates a caption that makes her look like France’s biggest miser, the kind that bans her kids from amusement park rides – well, Laetitia’s autistic son never ran away… how to fix.

But who am I to judge—I who was attributed yesterday to the dissident weekly Civil War Dialogue by Michel Houellebecq and Michel Onfray, published by Front Populaire. The phonetic and historical affinity of the titles might explain my confusion, but after all, the Popular Front, whose misanthropy tends to the far right, and

e liberal and satirical Frank-Tyror, who publishes a special issue on whistleblowersWhere, next to Cassander and Assange, we are brought by Proust who warns us of the dangers of love, “Where we enter with delusion, where we feed on lies, and where we emerge from weariness…”

At the cross I met the Herero De Bobigny, who saw his office burn down by a client unhappy that she was not there to provide him with a document, is in prison…

In Voice of the North I met Leo Taquin, A road transport from Uwe Plage, which owes 205,000 euros to the British state, delivers in England, 333 times over in London in the very low carbon emission area of ​​the capital, where you have to pay a toll, I don’t know, 333 fine. He got a lawyer.

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We finally talk about a soldier …

Yves Guillot, who enlisted in 1947 at the age of 19, believed in God, France and the Christian West, and fought in Korea and Algeria, convinced himself that he was on a crusade, and when France left Algeria. , he went underground and a black figure for the global far right, undoubtedly participated in the attacks that were to destabilize Italy, then he went into cults, alternative spirituality and mysticism New era Where he became a spiritual trance dialogue man, in his trance he would shout “Yes I killed, I killed”, he spoke to the light that led his life. died in March,

The world tells us in a nursing home in Var where he received visits, occasionally spoke Portuguese, hugged a stuffed animal, and had Alzheimer’s—what was left of his storms.

In western France you read Anas Medmani, A refugee from Syria applied in 2015 for a Photograph With Angela Merkel, and this glory earned him the hatred of the extreme right… But he became German, graduated from the University of Berlin, wants to be a journalist and is a German citizen, lives in Berlin, has a companion who is Ukrainian.

In Le Progrès, you will read a young Iranian, a student with us, participated during her holidays in the first demonstrations against the regime, so she went to prison, got out, and her parents brought her back here, but she wants to go home to resume fighting even if it means death, she says- she. Silence and respect.

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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