Christophe honored and first prize winner

Christophe honored and first prize winner

day ten – The Critics’ Week jury awarded Ramirez Pulido’s La Jauria, the first Colombian film.

His paradise remains. Has he really disappeared? In the unreleased documentary Kristoff… sureShown on Wednesday evening at Cannes Beach, contemporary artists Dominique Gonzalez Forster and Angie Leccia followed the singer through his concerts. We see him working on the sound, arranging the lighting, cutting the garment, and chanting the chord. A mixture of simplicity in behavior and sophistication in work. of tradition and poetry. Le Beau Bizarre likes to be in the light, if dim and glowing.

Kristoff was looking for coincidencesLeccia said kindly of the musical universe, which is fueled by movie imagery, hotel scents, and romantic encounters. “To be able to photograph it with my small camera, I made myself so small, I became invisibleLeccia continues. Dominic Gonzalez-Forster, who first met the translator in 2002 during an exhibition at Tokyo Palace, adds, there were few words exchanged, for fear of breaking poetry.

Finnish madness

The first ruling. Critics Week rewarded GeorgiaColombian Andres Ramirez Pulido. The story of a teenage criminal held in a rehabilitation center in the rainforest. “Each of the five members had a like, and none of them were the same‘,” President Ava Cohen explains in the world About the jury headed by director Kaouthar Ben Hania. Alma FIFAThe first effective, vibrant and brilliant French-Portuguese film will be left empty-handed. Mitsurin Tarina He won the Jean Foundation Prize for Distribution, which will facilitate its access to French cinemas. They can vibrate. This Finnish movie that lacks humor is absolutely forbidden.

See also, a new Moroccan food and entertainment platform

This seventy-fifth edition begins to fall. Festival-goers inspect the palaces less, and pay attention to the sea again, but few go to the island of Saint-Honorat, a few miles away, where the monks of the monastery of Lérins live. On this Thursday of Ascension, the community received an oath of allegiance from the city’s elected officials, a tradition from 1448 that was extracted in 1970. So happy, Cistercian’s brother, Bob on his head, immortalized the moment with his smartphone. On this island, which smells of incense and the smell of pine trees, a monastic experience, ten years ago, allowed celebrities the opportunity to come and immerse themselves in its silence during the Cannes Film Festival. complete programme.

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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