Christopher Columbus, what’s new under the sun?

Christopher Columbus, what’s new under the sun?

Few people are as world famous as the celebrated and criticized Christopher Columbus. In 1892, the 400th anniversary of what was called the “discovery of America” ​​was commemorated. Then the petition is distributed. Its goal is the canonization of Christopher Columbus, Saint Christopher Columbus. Moreover, in the same year, in an encyclical, Pope Leo XIII glorifies Columbus and turns this adventure into a religious endeavor. In 1893, the poet José María de Heredia, of Cuban origin, wrote his poem “The Conquistadors”, a word translated into French, is the conquerors! What is the profound nature of the westward crossing of the Atlantic Ocean?

Christopher Columbus, the legend

Christopher Columbus, inspired by the Greek mathematician and geographer Claude Ptolemy, firmly believed in the roundness of our planet. This is good ! The Genoese want to open a new path to the West and sail to Asia. The oldest globe that has come down to us was made in June of the same year, 1492, a few weeks before the departure of the admiral. Commissioned by the Spanish Monarchs, Isabella the Catholic and her husband Ferdinand of Aragon, he has a 70cm x 110cm map that stops … in the Azores!

So pick it up and head out to sea aboard the pental no nina Based on Santa Maria ! An adventure that must be set within a larger story, the story of a new relationship to the world.

“As Christopher Columbus advances in his explorations, and in the trials which he encounters on his immense voyages, he develops a sense of victimhood among his adversaries, and the rulers; and the Court diminishes its powers because it seems that no new lands can be administered without the royal hand.”underscore Michelle Escamillaof Spanish origin and Professor Emeritus at the University of Paris Nanterre.

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Genoese in the history of exploration

The fact that Christopher Columbus was Genoa is very important in this context of exploration, according to historian and essayist Michel Pierre: “The Genoese, like the Florentines, have an enemy that is seldom spoken of: it is Venice, which attracts two great appetites of Europe, which are spices and gold, with precious stones. If there are many Genoese or Florentines like Amerigo Vespucci themselves in the service of the Portuguese or the Spaniards, it is a way to try to strangle Venice and monopolize it. This idea is manifested by cutting off the supply of precious materials from Venice, at the level of the African continent..

History course

58 minutes

Helen Blaisehistorian and professor of contemporary history, sheds light on the historiography of exploration and questions the way in which this history was constructed: “The history of world exploration is built from sources, but the sources formed very late. Christopher Columbus distributed the letters and stories he sent during his voyage to ensure his fame. Then in Spain, at the end of the eighteenth century, with the establishment of the public archives of the Andes, the formation of A collection of many highly revealing statements about the manner in which states, rulers and princes were to appropriate” the history of exploration, associated with the emergence of nationalities in the nineteenth century. Also, educated societies collect sources, and writing will be done from ordered and arranged sources..

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How-to reason: the story

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Why how: history

3 minutes

to talk about it

Michelle Escamilla He is of Hispanic descent, and Professor Emeritus at the University of Paris Nanterre.
Posted in particular:

Michael Stone He is a historian and essayist.
He started a collection of special editions of Parisian / Today in France Dedicated to explorers. The first issue focuses on

Christopher Columbus and America. Facts, myths and legends.
In particular, it was published:

Helen Blaise Historian and Professor of Contemporary History, Director of the History Department at École Normale Supérieure, and a member of the Institute of Modern and Contemporary History. She specializes in the history of knowledge, travel and colonial history.
Posted in particular:

Audio references

  • Gerard Philippe’s reading of an excerpt from the sonnet “The Conquistadors” by José María de Heredia, published in Awards in 1893
  • Excerpts from the play Christopher Columbus book by Paul Claudel, written in 1927-1928 and premiered in 1990 at the Théâtre de Versailles
  • Excerpts from the movie 1492: Christopher Columbus by Ridley Scott, 1992
  • Read Thomas Cuseau’s excerpt from Ship log by Christopher Columbus
  • Archives on the Colonial Botanical Garden Les Saintes in Guadeloupe, RFO, 1975
  • Excerpts from the documentary Exterminate all these savages by Raoul Beck, 2022
  • Show credits: Origami art by Ronnie
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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

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