Concerts, festivals and disco: Are earplugs protective?

Concerts, festivals and disco: Are earplugs protective?

Several studies show the importance of protecting yourself from noise. Frequent exposure to noise in the disco, during concerts or festivals is not without the risk of trauma to the ears. The solution ? Earplugs and rest time!

Regular listening to loud music at concerts and music festivals hurts our ears! A German study published in the International Journal of Audiology in February 2022 evaluated 1,000 young people aged 13 and over on the habits of exposure to noise; And a measurement that 60% of them experienced intermittent tinnitus related to frequent exposure to noise at nightclubs, concerts, festivals…so to continue enjoying and prevent tinnitus, there are still earplugs!

“We recommend wearing them as soon as you are exposed to sound levels above 85 decibels, which is clearly the case at concerts, festivals and nightclubs,” says Professor Matthew Marks ORL at Burban Hospital. This 85 dB threshold was determined to be dangerous to the inner ear because at this volume level, the bound reflex occurs. This is a muscle that is inserted into the last small bone before the inner ear which limits transmission of the shock to the inner ear. Today, more and more scientific hypotheses indicate that pests can appear above 75 dB in case of repeated exposure.

Take 24 hours of auditory rest

Consumers are heavily advised at festivals and concerts to adopt plugs with acoustic filters rather than those made of foam, as they protect by maintaining some form of sound intensity. Likewise, avoid sticking to headphones and take 20/30 minute breaks in auditory comfort areas, which are increasingly present at festivals.
If the tinnitus appears the next day, despite everything, do not panic, there is a good chance that it is transient, but we still recommend taking 24 hours of auditory rest in an environment with normal noise levels.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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