“Plankton, Invisible Environment” Pontorson Conference, October 13, 2022, Pontorson.

Conference “Plankton, Environment of the Invisible”
Ardevon Abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel Pontorson Manche Priory of Mont-Saint-Michel Ardevon
2022-10-13 19:30:00 19:30:00 – 2022-10-13
The Monastery of Mont Saint-Michel of Ardivon
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“The Plankton? What a funny topic for the conference…” Yet get ready to discover the extraordinary and vibrant world of ‘little sea people’. Pierre Mollo, a researcher for 40 years and a passionate man, invites us to dive in to discover the small, infinite oceans on which all of humanity depends.

Plankton is today a planetary “issue” and not just a subject of nature studies. If invisible to the naked eye, plankton is nevertheless an essential component of our planet’s homeostasis. If the plankton disappears, so does humanity. Her ignorance of the general public is a factor in her fragility. It will be necessary to muster as much as him for the survival of the polar bear. Today, all terrestrial activities, especially the discharge of chemicals, heavy metals and excess fertilizers cause the deterioration of plankton in terms of quantity and quality. Pierre MOLLO présentera ce monde microscopique en rappelant son rôle capital dans notre écosystème, car s’il est à la base de la chaîne alimentaire marine, le plancton produit aussi la moitié de l’oxygène de la planète à l’rement aliment human; It contains natural antibiotics and is very rich in vitamins and trace elements. The speaker will also discuss the many experiments that have been conducted around the world to suggest several ways to save plankton and so that resettlement of the seas does not remain a utopia.

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Pierre Mollo, marine biology teacher and researcher, plankton specialist, director of documentaries on marine ecology and marine occupations, co-author of L’implication plancton, l’écologie de l’invisible Published November 2009 by Editions Charles Leopold Mayer

– Sale of books on site for the Library of Salicorne and Rhinoceros
– Free contribution to costs

“The Plankton? What a funny topic for the conference…” Yet get ready to discover the extraordinary and vibrant world of ‘little sea people’. Pierre Mollo, a researcher for 40 years and a passionate man, invites us to dive into …

+33 2 33 49 79 72 https://www.pelerin-montsaintmichel.org/

Priory of Mont-Saint-Michel Ardevon Pontorson
Last Updated: 09-28-2022 By