Connect between Borg and Sadio Mane, with fries and treadmill, signature on the thigh … Our sporting follies of the week

Connect between Borg and Sadio Mane, with fries and treadmill, signature on the thigh … Our sporting follies of the week


After suffering a broken nose six weeks ago, AC Opigny player Timothée Gillon wanted to be in the final of the 3rd Regional Rugby Championship on Sunday in Romoranten. His face was covered in a cool bandage as he participated in crowning his team’s winning Gallic XV (46-29).

Portuguese derby

Eusebio’s country was in the spotlight on Saturday during the first semi-final of the Cher Cup as the Portuguese from Bourges, in green, defeated the Portuguese from Mehon-sur-Yvre, in red (3-2).Mateo da Cunha (Portuguese from Mihon). Photo by Philip Roach.

With potatoes and a grinder

Chief of Bourges Foot 18, Sheikh Sylla does not hesitate to give his all for small tasks. On Saturday, at halftime of National Match 2 between his club and Angers Sco reserves, he was behind the bar, serving French fries to spectators.

original request

On Saturday, the future groom was having a bachelor party in the streets of Bourges. When he walked past the Tango store, where players Endy Miyem and Taylor Wurtz were signing, he asked for his autograph…on his thigh. before the players. Nice.

Multiple sports

After defending the colors of Orval during last weekend’s Team Tennis Championships, Antonin Caglioni qualified for the Cher Cup final with Saint-Dolchard. On Saturday he will continue with Derby in R2 against BF18 C, and then the next day with Athletics Clubs. He will perform the high jump and possibly the hammer throw for Bourges EA.Baptiste Callioni shoots himself in the head. PhotoOlivier Martin.


Bourget’s regular D1 squash player, Britain’s Jasmine Hutton became the European team champion this weekend with England, in Helsinki, Finland. La Berruyère, 25th in the world, has played a decisive role since she managed to perform in the final, dominating her 14th place in the world. A decisive success that allowed the British to defeat the Belgians (2-1).

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Manet visit

The deputy mayor of Burgess in charge of business and the short-lived former boss of Bourges, Hugo Leville, indicated on Facebook that he had been invited to Munich by Bayern star Sadio Mane. He was accompanied by Bourges Foot 18’s Director of Marketing and Communications, Salio Baldi. An opportunity to talk about the Senegalese international’s takeover of the club?

Sadio Mane, Perrier ambition

High attendance

Spectators turned out in droves on Saturday and Monday for the Cher Cup football semi-final. So great was the enthusiasm that there was a ten-minute wait at the entrance on Monday for the label between Saint-Doulchard and Bourges Moulon. Some chose to climb the fence in order not to miss the kick-off…

to express

Before boarding the bus towards Mont-de-Marsan, Monday noon, he was greeted by some of the marchers from Perroyer’s parade in the May 1st rally (here Pauline Astaire, Jess Mayne-Zodia and Emmanuelle Beninamo-Simo).Tango leaves in the middle of the demonstration. PhotoOlivier Martin.


Present at the regional football finals held at Prohout Stadium in Vierzon, on Sunday, the host club’s president, Thierry Bronco, did not forget to show his support to the players of the SA Vierzon rugby team who were playing in the regional final 1 on the same day in Romoranten. With a photo on the social networks of the Vierzon FC team with the flag of the Vierzon Rugby Club, the wink of the president was not enough to avoid defeat (24-30) against Birch Val Duysen.


Last Thursday, SM Bourges players were able to rely on the invaluable advice of one of his greatest glories. Ksenia Mustafayeva, 10th at the Rio Olympics in rhythmic gymnastics, is back at his favorite club to supervise a session.

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Bourges Volley-Ball is organizing its 16th 3×3 turf championship on Sunday, June 11th on the shores of Lake Val d’Auron. With the novelty of this year, the launch of a women’s competition. Registration has been open since last weekend on the Helloasso website. Page info BVB Facebook.The traditional grass volleyball tournament.

At the gates of Cher

Like last year, the Tour de l’Avenir, the equivalent of the Tour de France for young cyclists, will cross Cher’s boundaries. The team time trial will take place between Vatan and Issoudun on Tuesday, August 22nd.

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About the Author: Lucinda Lima

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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