Contribute to science using your smartphone or tablet

Contribute to science using your smartphone or tablet

July 18, 2022 | Written by Sylvain Rochon


In the last four days of July and Monday, August 1, The Nature Conservancy of Canada encourages people to get outside to enjoy and document nature, for the benefit of science.

NCC’s third Grand BioBlitz will be held from July 28 to August 1 across the country. On our balcony or in a national park, during our lunch break or on vacation, we can photograph the species we encounter on our way and send our notes to one of the largest participatory species inventories in the country.

This data will guide scientists and conservation planners in implementing projects to protect and restore natural environments across the country.

You can register at any time for the CNC Grand BioBlitz at the following address: . Each recorder receives a helpful guide, photo instructions, and species identification information, and their name is automatically added to the draw.

Last year, more than 6,500 people registered more than 36,000 views across the country as part of the activity. A particularly enthusiastic person from Quebec made more than 280 observations over the three days.

(Photo credit: Caroline Bouchard)