Corrèze and the Dordogne were in turn placed on orange alert, with thirteen departments affected in total

Corrèze and the Dordogne were in turn placed on orange alert, with thirteen departments affected in total

Storm after storm. More bad weather is expected on Saturday 4 November, with the arrival of depression Domingos, which succeeded Ciaran. in His newsletter Météo-France published at 4pm, adding two regions to the list of regions on orange alert. These are the Corrèze and Dordogne, on alert for the danger of flooding. Thirteen other departments also entered orange alert on Saturday at 6pm, particularly for wind, wave inundation and flooding. Follow our live broadcast.

More than 257,000 homes are still without electricity. This “power outage” on Saturday at 2pm affected 198,000 customers in Brittany, including 100,000 in the Finistère province alone. The rest of the victims are mostly in Normandy, where nearly 50,000 families were affected. almost 3,400 employees and service providers from Enedis, the power grid manager, are still on standby to restore power.

Many disturbances are still ongoing on the train lines. More than 1,400 trees fell on the tracks, according to SNCF. Unrest continues in Brittany, especially in Finistère. High-speed trains are currently operating normally, except between Morelais-Brest and Lorient-Quimper. Many TERs have been cancelled. In Normandy, there will be no TER train this Saturday on the Caen-Lesson-Granville-Rhin line as well as between Caen and Cherbourg. There will be traffic “Totally cut off” In New Aquitaine from 6 p.m.

Eleven departments were placed on an orange alert for “wind,” “flooding,” “rain flooding” or “wave inundation” on Saturday evening. Part of the Atlantic coast, from Vendée to Gironde, Corsica, Var and Bouches-du-Rhône, is affected by French meteorological warnings. The Pas-de-Calais region remains on flood alert after Hurricane Ciaran passed. Twelve departments will be placed on orange alert status on Sunday.

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At least 18 people were killed by Ciarán in Europe. Six people were killed by the storm in Italy. In Portugal, it was the strong waves caused by Hurricane Ciaran in the Atlantic Ocean that caused the deaths of four people and the sinking of a sailboat flying the Danish flag. The Netherlands was also particularly affected by meteorological phenomena. In France, at least three people died.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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