Corrida de Vauzelles returns on Friday 30 December to celebrate the end of the year

Corrida de Vauzelles returns on Friday 30 December to celebrate the end of the year

Corrida de Vauzelles, canceled in 2020 and then in 2021 due to the health crisis, has regained its place on the calendar: Friday, December 30, in Vauzelles. Derived from the Portuguese, meaning “race,” bullfighting features an exclusive track in an urban setting. This will be the case for this version, with leaving the town hall and arriving at Place Montorge (near the town hall), the route is the same as in the last editions.

Excellent President of the Commission for Off-Court Racing in Nevers, Michel André is stepping back after more than twenty years of dedication

The main race called “La Corrida” will start at 7:45 p.m. Reserved for athletes born in 2007 (from beginners to masters) and before that, it will be 7,250 metres, covered by three loops.

“Discovery Course” (6.45pm, Mathematical Awakening, 1000m), “La Mini Corrida” (7pm, Chicks, 1000m), “L’Ecureuil” (7.15pm, Smaller and Smaller, 1880m) in addition to “La Corrida marche” (7:45pm, masters students, 4900pm) will permeate the meeting throughout the evening.

More than two hundred registered

On December 29, more than two hundred people were registered by Varennes-Vauzelles-Running, the organizer of the event. It is still possible to register in the Gérard-Philipppe Room, in Varennes-Vauzelles, this Thursday, December 29th, from 2pm-7pm, or on race day, from 12pm-6pm. or online, which is recommended. The race will be timed and therefore classified.

Owen Cudgell

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About the Author: Lucinda Lima

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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