Dengue fever in Reunion: number of cases rises slightly, awareness campaign launched

Dengue fever in Reunion: number of cases rises slightly, awareness campaign launched

From November 14 to 27, 12 cases of dengue fever were recorded, compared to three in the previous two weeks. The number of cases is increasing slightly in Reunion, but remains at a low level. Launching a new awareness campaign.

Reunion Prefecture announced Thursday, December 8 that the number of dengue cases is increasing slightly in Reunion, but remains at a low level.

From November 14 to 27, 12 cases of dengue fever were recorded, compared to three in the previous two weeks. The cases are spread across eight communes located mainly in the west and south of the island: Saint-Léo, La Possession, Saint-Paul, Le Tambon, Les Aveyrons, Étang-Salé, Saint-Joseph and Saint-Denis.

Fear the authorities “The possibility of resuming the epidemic in the coming weeks, with the advent of summer and more favorable weather conditions for the growth of mosquitoes (heat and rain)“.

After four years of dengue fever epidemics with the virus spreading intensively, the year 2022 was marked by a decrease in the number of patients and the stabilization of an inter-epidemic situation.

Traffic remained at a low level through the winter of 2022. According to the ARS, “Vector control measures, associated with the emergence of meteorological phenomena less favorable for the development of mosquitoes and the possible acquired immunity of populations in certain regions, made it possible to reduce the number of cases.”

Since January 1, 1,175 people have contracted dengue, 61 people have been hospitalized for dengue and 190 emergency room visits have been recorded. Two deaths directly related to dengue have been identified.

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In order to raise awareness among the residents of Reunion Island, authorities are launching a new communication campaign this week. “Against dengue, let’s get rid of stagnant water” and “Let’s continue to protect ourselves – ROUV BARO, we are at your side to advise you!”,: These are the two main messages. The objectives are to strengthen the means of protection and to educate the population to receive ARS teams in their yards and gardens to combat mosquitoes.

Reunionese are encouraged to get rid of anything that might have standing water in the house (cups, small items, gutters, etc.), and to protect themselves from mosquito bites with mosquito repellents and mosquito nets, especially for infants and bedridden people. windows. With the message “ROUV BARO!” : A Warm Welcome to ARS Teams”, the idea is to facilitate the intervention of vector control agents.

The duties of ARS Vector Control Service agents are to conduct home visits to educate the population throughout the year. They advise them on eliminating breeding sites (mosquito nests) in yards and gardens and distributing insect repellents to priority audiences.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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