directly. Fires in France: 10,600 hectares have burned in the Gironde, the situation remains “unfavourable”

directly.  Fires in France: 10,600 hectares have burned in the Gironde, the situation remains “unfavourable”


Gironde: Six tanker trucks arrive as reinforcements

The Firefighters’ Union notes that reinforcements are being deployed to the Gironde on Sunday, with six tanker trucks in particular, including one from the Gard.


15-section red heat wave vigil

On the 4 p.m. bulletin, Météo France placed 15 circles on the red vigil and 51 on the orange vigil. Here are the sections on red alert: Finistère, Morbihan, Ille-et-Vilaine, Côtes-d’Armor, Loire-Atlantique, Maine-et-Loire, Vendée, Deux-Sèvres, Charente-Maritime, Charente, Gironde, Dordogne And Lott-It-Garonne, Landes and Kherez. 51 Management in a heat wave Orange Vigilance.

Only southern Corsica is green.

4:00 pm.

The next 48 hours will be ‘very important’

“The next 48 hours will be very important. Tomorrow we will face the cumulative effect of higher temperatures and a rush of winds in the evening,” warned Marc Vermeulen, director of SDIS 33, during an exchange with Gerard Larcher, President of the Senate, in Villandrout, reported that a journalist from Sud-Ouest .


About thirty people chose to stay at Hostens

In Houston, they were preemptively evacuated on Saturday ‘only scraps of life appear on Sunday morning,” a Sud Quest journalist reported. “In the city of 1,500, only 36 people chose to stay, according to the mayor. »


“A breath of exceptionally warm air”

Noted Météo France, which is forecasting “exceptional heat” and “continuous winds over the Atlantic arc tomorrow and the night preceded by sharp refreshments on Tuesday.”


Forbidden Forests in Deux Sèvres

To reduce the risk of fire, access to the Aulnay and Chizé forests in the Deux-Sèvres department is prohibited.


Fire in the English Channel

blue France Reports of a fire in the English Channel in the swamps of The Hague. 3 hectares were burned, but one house was protected. About fifteen rescue centers in the department and Calvados Intervention.

2:30 pm


Pictures to “build memory”

The Union of Firefighters transmits the photos taken by one of them. Beautiful yet awful, it was made “to build the memory of tomorrow”.


Traffic light on the side of the highway

A massive fire disrupts traffic on the A8 motorway towards Aix-en-Provence (Buchs de Rhone) near Brignoles (Var).


No tobacco or barbecue

While conditions are favorable for a fire to occur, Var states some cautionary instructions: “No fire or barbecue, cigarette butts are not thrown from the car window, and there are no sources of sparks.”


The fire was fixed at Bouches-du-Rhône

At Bouches-du-Rhône, the fire was repaired at Mount Montagnette, south of Avignon. It covered nearly 1,500 hectares and mobilized 400 firefighters. However, there are still many small fires burning out of the wind that blew last night.


The priority is to save the population

In Landeras, the situation remains “extremely unfavorable”. The authorities say the priority is “to protect the population, maintain sensitive points and limit the spread of fire”.


The ‘unfavorable’ situation and the ‘firewall’ in La Teste-de-Buch

Gironde province, in office Established in the middle of the day, it shows that the situation is still “unfavorable” in La Teste du Buch. “Emergency services are focusing their efforts on the front of the fire, in particular thanks to building an additional firewall.”


In Portugal, calm hopes no storm

This Sunday, one large focal area, near the northernmost town of Chaves, is considered active and “virtually under control” over 90% of its surroundings according to the Portuguese Civil Protection. For the first time since July 8, temperatures in Portugal should not exceed 40 degrees Celsius.

But almost all Portuguese territories still present an “extreme”, “very high” or “high” fire risk, particularly in the central and northern interior.


What are “tactical lights”

A deliberate firefighter, the expression makes the pros jump, however! To put out fires, firefighters first learn how to light them so that they can control them. This is how they developed the know-how of tactical fires, which were carried out in the Gironde in recent days. It consists in deliberately setting fire to certain plots of land that have been meticulously selected according to the winds and the development of the flames that must be contained, in order to literally cut the grass from under their feet and deprive them of fuel.

Only specially trained executives are allowed to light these tactical fires.


Arrival of reinforcement columns

Last night, “approximately 150 firefighters from the north and east (Bas-Rhin, Haute-Marne, Saône-et-Loire, etc.) and 43 vehicles were ready to leave,” explained to Parisian Charles Coss, representative of the Unsa Confederation. Firefighters in the Gironde. Gironde firefighters expect the “columns of reinforcement,” which have been organized on a voluntary basis, to take a rest.


How many animals were killed?

During the great fires in Australia, many people around the world were worried that many koalas would disappear, be killed or be deprived of their habitat. Money has been sent from all over the world to support clinics that collect and care for them. The Landes pine forest is rich in deer, European deer, European badgers, hares, and wooden caskets that must escape the flames, heat, and find new water points and feeding areas.


Four injured so far

If thousands of people had to be evacuated, and 1,200 firefighters were mobilized, there would be no casualties. Until Saturday evening, when the Gironde Prefecture announced that four firefighters had sustained minor injuries. Two vehicles were also damaged: one burned and the other overturned.



Frequent fire outbreak in the west

France 3 Reports said ten fires were recorded at Les Sables-d’Olonne, in Vendée, on Saturday. Two sheds and a mobile home were destroyed. Hundreds of firefighters were mobilized. The prefecture said “artificial entertainment” will be used.

In the Loire Atlantic, 35 hectares of vegetation were burned. 178 firefighters intervened. They protected several houses.

In Mayenne, Sarthe, and Maine-et-Loire, several outbreaks of fires have been recorded.


Predict the temperature in Brittany

From Sunday until more on Monday, temperature records must be broken by several degrees in Brittany. In Lannion (Côtes-d’Armor), 41 ° C can be reached, i.e. … 5 ° C more than the previous record. The situation is quite unusual in a region that used to be one of the coolest places in France during the summer. Le Parisien quotes in this article.


Dangerous situation in northwestern France

A combination of factors is creating a situation that could lead to fires in northwestern France tomorrow and Tuesday. In addition to the heat wave, the humidity is low, the drought is pronounced, and the wind must blow at a speed of more than 40 km / h.


New assessment in the Gironde

The prefecture declared that 3,400 hectares had been burned in Test du Buch and 7,200 hectares in Landeras (10,600 hectares in total). Referring to the mobilization of “1,200 firefighters, 4 Kinders and 2 Dash”, she adds that 10,000 people were evacuated to Testi de Boch and 4,100 to Landeras.

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“Avoid traffic jams”

Alexandre Jawasser, head of communication at the General Directorate of Civil Security, reminds on franceinfo that one of the goals “is to avoid congestion on the road network” so that victims do not become trapped in flames in cars, as was the case in 2017 in Portugal.

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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