DOC Screens Back March 21-26, 2023 | Designs Chariot (69)

DOC Screens Back March 21-26, 2023 |  Designs Chariot (69)

Perhaps the most awaited event for filmmakers and directors has finally arrived! For this twelfth edition of the Ciné Toboggan Documentary Meetings, fifteen documentaries have been selected, including seven previews and two unreleased.

Cinema takes center stage

Long live the seventh art! To open our eyes to the world, the Festival invites you to take part in debates, concerts, previews, films…and of course, exclusive screenings. We tell you everything!

Cinematic art is watched with enthusiasm and interest by connoisseurs and amateurs of Cine Toboggan, and it is also a means of communication. And for good reason? Female directors, this time more than female directors, know how to give artistic and informational value to their work, by taking a unique look at the future of the planet. It is not without saying that the phenomenon of the influence of cinema can affect many aspects of our daily lives and the world in which we live, such as our way of thinking for example. Certainly, we go to the cinema to entertain ourselves, but also to put an arc in our daily lives, by immersing ourselves in a fantasy world that illuminates our daily lives!

Highlight events

Open to the most diverse public, we open the ball on Tuesday 21st March at 6pm after a preview of the ” low techAn ecological and local approach consisting of designing or disseminating simple, sustainable and accessible technologies and knowledge. Director Adrian Bailey With his new documentary, he explores our role as citizens in a world colliding with the limits of growth. “The idea is to make a group film that paints a picture of those who make low tech in different fields, which led me to meet people in this field,” Little director. The festival continues with the meeting We are coming Next to the exit Nina FourThursday, March 23rd at 8:15pm and Saturday, March 25th at 3pm Two friends, Nina and Yelena, begin to become aware of issues surrounding the body, sexuality, and gender relations. The two women discover a hitherto unexpected joy, the pursuit of collective emancipation and the abolition of patriarchy. There we find the history of the feminist revolution.

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Always into a feminist idea,” bad girls “LEmerance Dubas Wednesday March 22nd at 2:30pm and Sunday March 26th at 2:15pm A stage adaptation of These Women’s Story for him, Margot Terryboss Cabaret has indocelesThey shed light on their texts and testimonies.

Don’t miss the movie Lisbon’s voice fell silent On Saturday March 25th at 8 p.m., from Judith Kalmar And Celine Coast car list. Documentary about Fado, a popular Portuguese musical genre, and cultural life in Lisbon. The film explores fado artists’ relationship to their cultural identity in a changing world, with the songs echoing the life stories played out in the film. Small accuracy The meeting will be with the heroes of the film, Marta MirandaAnd Jean Marc Pablo And Louis Guimaraes.

On the occasion of Saturday, the Portuguese artist gave Fado Marta Miranda will place an offer Fadiagens-Vozes from Lisbon“! Documentaries with numerous encounters followed by a drink served in the Toboggan Hall, to close the festival here More details about the different works presented in this Twelfth Edition for DOC screens.

And that’s not all, we offer you places to find here-Play with the password provided on the page Nova Facebook Likes.

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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