Two rectangles raised towards the sky, connected by a wire, which the stuntman Philippe Petit fixed between the towers of the World Trade Center in New York in 1974, before setting off in defiance of the void and the police. This is how Dominik Nedelec describes his profession: the translator as a tightrope walker, balancing his language, careful not to “disturbe the cable song”, this music of the original language. Winner of the Uniel Center for Literary Translation's Gilbert Mossey programme, with over 70 titles translated, Dominic Nedelke introduces himself to the students who come to take his master class, as a 'late autodidact, who came from nowhere'.
A winding road that always goes back to books: no literary studies, but business school, odd jobs in used bookstores and publishing. For this objector, instead of military service, a fifteen-month stay at the French Embassy in Seoul: “I organized salons, writers’ residencies, and dealt with human rights issues. After South Korea, I did the same work, at the regional level, in Normandy. During this time, my literary tastes asserted themselves.
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