Oh som and furia
Criticism – Three characters depicting colonialism and the transformation into revolution of the exploited people.
You cannot summarize Antonio Lobo Antunes's novel. The abundance of feelings, thoughts, and mixing of times is his distinctive sign. Its very theme is excess, into which we must accept to be drowned, and into which every lover of literature must, at least once in his life, allow himself to be swept up. “What we can remember, my God… are the little pieces that wouldn't leave us, the old man's little finger, no joke, or the trembling drops of water on the edge of the tile after that rain and my father was thinking as he watched them: Which will fall first?“We must leave ourselves to follow the details, to feel much more than we understand, and only in the end, when everything is reviewed, do we realize the nature of the reality in which we live.
For this new work of art, inscribed in an original form that belongs only to him, the Portuguese novelist returns to Angola, “All this confusion, all this misery“…