Economy. To encourage business creation in Vosges, the Chamber of Commerce and Pôle emploi collaborate

Economy.  To encourage business creation in Vosges, the Chamber of Commerce and Pôle emploi collaborate

About two dozen Vosges residents met at the Epinal Chamber of Commerce to talk about creating and acquiring businesses. A process that is part of the numerous workshops held by the Chamber and Pôle emploi to help job seekers and active employees realize their projects.

by Maxime Burnet
05:00 | Updated at 6:11 p.m

On the one hand, craft trades struggle to recruit and find buyers; On the other hand, job seekers or employees interested in vocational retraining. As part of Restart Week – dedicated to business creation – these two scientists met during a workshop organized on Friday, September 29, at the Chamber of Professions and Crafts (CMA) in Epinal.

“We have every interest in being at the heart of the local economy,” explains its president Christophe Richard, whose workshops also serve to “discover our professions and our values, to meet our still strong employment needs.”

They were about twenty people who made the trip to guide them on procedures to follow or training courses to enroll in. Among them is Cédric, 29, whose project has been monitored by the Chamber and Pôle emploi since the beginning of the year. A former electronics technician, he now wants to start his own food truck specializing in Portuguese food. “I hope to open in January; I don’t think I would have gotten there on my own,” he says.

“Gain knowledge and experience”

His journey represents exactly what is needed: personal support, project by project, to provide all the resources needed for success. “Some come with ideas, others with projects. “But the important thing is that they can see everything they know how to do and what they still have to learn,” explains Jean-Luc Kintz, regional director of Pôle emploi, who also identifies this as an opportunity “To acquire important skills. And to know how to be.”

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56 similar workshops are organized throughout the year throughout the department, achieving positive results for the local economy. 80% of those supported in this way are still active after 3 years. Last year, 550 commercial innovations were counted. Still relatively unknown, this system, which aims to be a tool to serve the region, is accessible to everyone.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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