On Thursday, May 11, 2023, several young girls from different schools in the Ivorian economic capital were told to show more interest in studying science, technology and mathematics.
According to an information note sent to Abidjan.net on Saturday, several committee members directed the young girls to their professional and social careers on the occasion.
Initiated by IHS Côte d’Ivoire in collaboration with School Life Direction for young girls in secondary schools and DREN 2 colleges in Abidjan, this meeting was organized as part of International Women’s Day and Science Girls on the theme: “We must motivate girls to study STEM”.
“Mathematics is everywhere. I’m so happy to be in this room. There’s a lot of symbols, but we’ll end up with women because men are in the spotlight (…) If we succeed in instilling scientific concepts in women, it’s over. Because it’s the woman who studies and the father gives Instructions. And the father gives the order. But the one who participates in the management, it is the woman, so if the woman automatically masters the scientific field, the entire population is taught the scientific plan,” Kony Brahima, one of the speakers, estimated.
For her part, Fatim Cissé, Director General of IHS in Côte d’Ivoire, called on young girls to commit themselves to empowering women in society.
As for blogger Edith Pro-Blue, she advises young women and girls in science to be in a visionary strategy by focusing on their goals despite the challenges.
El Parro