Emanuel Finkel shoots Mariana’s room

Emanuel Finkel shoots Mariana’s room

– Melanie Terry leads the filmmaker’s new film the painPhotography in Budapest. Production led by Cinéfrance Studio and Curiosa Films

Emanuel Finkel shoots Mariana's room

Actress Melanie Thierry (© Georges Biard)

He started shooting a movie Mariana’s room toEmmanuel Finkel In full swing in Budapest where it will end on July 18th. It is the filmmaker’s fifth fictional feature thereafter Travel (Prix Louis-Delluc 1999 and César 2000 for Best First Film), appointment anywhere on earth [+lire aussi :
fiche film
(at the competition in Locarno in 2008 and the Jean Vigo Prize), I’m not a bastard [+lire aussi :
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(Award for Direction and Best Actor at the Angoulême Festival 2015) f the pain [+lire aussi :
interview : Emmanuel Finkiel
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(At the competition in San Sebastian in 2017, the French nominee for the Oscar 2019, eight nominations for César 2019, notably in the categories of best film, director and screenplay).

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Headlines shine Melanie Terry (He has been nominated several times for a César Award, most recently for Best Actress for the painwhich we will see soon Fools’ Ball by Arnaud des Pallières and suddenly lonely by Thomas Pidgin).

Adaptation by Emanuel Finkel of the novel of the same name by Aharon Applefeld, plunges the scenario into the year 1943. Fleeing the ghetto and deportation, Julia entrusts her 11-year-old son Hugo to a woman named Mariana, 35, who works as a prostitute in a brothel. Locked in a small, windowless room, Hugo listens to the noises around him. At night the voices that reach him from the other side of the division frighten him, for they are the voices of German soldiers. He endures the unbearable by remembering his childhood with his parents, their silhouettes appearing like Chinese shadows. And when day breaks, when Mariana invites him to her room, he finds a little serenity and sweetness…

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produced by David Jaucki And Julian Deris For Cinéfrance Studios and by Oliver Delbosque for curiosa movies, Mariana’s room Produced by Arte France Cinéma, Belgium’s Tarantula, Hungary’s Proton Cinema, Portugal’s Draco, Metro Communication, Sunshine Films and United King Films. Previously purchased by Arte, Canal + and Ciné +, the feature also benefits from the support of Eurimages and the Center du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, among others. All filming will take place in Budapest Alexis Caverchen (Cesar 2021 from his specialty to Goodbye, fools [+lire aussi :
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And the candidate in 2019 and 2023 for the pain And In the body [+lire aussi :
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) to the director of photography. French distribution will be managed by Ad Vitam and international sales by English company WestEnd Films.

For the record, Cinéfrance studios are in post-production Snake Road to Kiyoshi KurosawaAnd Nikki to Celine Sallett (with Charlotte LeBone as Nikki de Saint Phalle), In a slipper at the foot of the Himalayas to John Wax (with Audrey Lamy address) f Fragrant Hill toAbderrahmane Sissako. For its part, Curiosa Films is working on post-production made by me to Cedric was (Read the article – released in France on January 10, 2024), cue to Laetitia Colombani (released November 29) and comedy Guarded fishing to Frederick Forestier And Antonin Forlon (Released December 20).

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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