Fatima was celebrated on May 14 in Lannister – Lannister

Fatima was celebrated on May 14 in Lannister – Lannister

The Portuguese community in the country of Lorient prepares to celebrate Our Lady of Fatima on May 14th. In Lannister, a day is set aside for him every year. For 2023, it will take place the day after the festivities in Portugal. Mary Laurie Montero has been in charge of the organization for about ten years. This year the program is different from previous times. “We start on Saturday 13 May with a flowering of the statues of Fatima and Saint Joseph. At the beginning of the celebration they will be brought in procession and after that mass will take place at 11 am to the rhythm of Portuguese and French songs. We will end with a procession around the church. A glass of friendship will be served in the forecourt of the church” Mary Laurie Montero unfolds. For the first time, a meal will be served on the table (€12 for adults and €6 for children) at the Pierre François Center at 1pm, with a Portuguese meal prepared by Felipe Rodrigues. “Everyone will bring their own picnic. The aim is to live a time of sharing”, affirms Father Olivier Lorne.


The rehearsal of the songs begins on Saturday, April 29th at 8 pm at St. Joseph’s Church in Plessis (then on May 6th and 13th). Information and registration for the meal on 02 97 76 11 20.

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About the Author: Germano Álvares

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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