Feminist revolution, human revolution | JDM

Feminist revolution, human revolution |  JDM

The women’s rebellion in Iran, which has impressed the whole world, is not just a rebellion: it is a revolution.

For a simple reason: they are not content with challenging one side of the mullahs’ regime, which has been in place since 1979. They are attacking its main symbol, through which he seized women’s bodies, by making domination a sign of his victory.

In Iran, whoever attacks the veil attacks the ideological pillar of the regime. A woman who takes off her veil immediately becomes a splinter. Whoever burns it defies the system. Thousands of women doing the same are leading a revolution. at risk to their lives.

In addition, since 1979, the Islamism that set out to conquer the West has made the veil its main slogan.


The veil seizes the public space before imposing other symbols. Every time women’s rights recede, as we see them daily in Europe.

Hijab Islamism transforms women into bodily banners of their progress, whether they are conscious or unconscious of it.

Political Islam has even succeeded in convincing us, through its wonderful ideological manipulation, that today this symbol is the symbol of diversity. Canada has caricatured this view of the world.

All this is not far from the unease of Western feminists in the face of the revolution in Iran. But I correct myself. I’m talking rather about this feminist movement that has joined the diverse ideology, which for some years has been striving to make us accept the veil everywhere, at home, and which characterizes those who admit with the slightest annoyance to it as Islamophobes.

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How will they react to the Iranian women tearing their headscarves and burning them?

By rhetorical rotation.

They tell us that they are not fighting the hijab, but for the freedom to choose whether to wear it or not. Their fight will be the same as that of the Muslim women who are fighting here for the right to wear it.

This is called taking fools.

There is no symbolic equivalence between wearing the hijab and not wearing it. There are limits to relativity.

The history of civilizations is important, the history of religions is also important, and the Islamic headscarf is not a floating symbol that can be reduced to a piece of cloth.

In our country, it represents the progress of a compelling ideology that intends to subjugate it. As much as secularism can act as a barrier against it.

The women’s revolution in Iran is feminist and humane at the same time.

How do you show solidarity with Iranian women?

  • Hear Mathieu Bock-Côté and Richard Martineau’s interview broadcast live every day at 10am via Radio QUB :


First, by not reproducing what they denounce here at home.

Then, by denouncing, I repeat, those who say their fight is the same as that of women in the West who demand the right to wear it all the time.

From time to time, you have to fight the lies of the ideologists.

For example, now.

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About the Author: Hermínio Guimarães

"Introvertido premiado. Viciado em mídia social sutilmente charmoso. Praticante de zumbis. Aficionado por música irritantemente humilde."

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