Fermatology: “Diva and semi-bald”

Fermatology: “Diva and semi-bald”

Summer is coming to an end, and for the Fermat Science Society, despite the heat wave, the harvest of 2022 will be fruitful. From July 12 to August 25, thanks to the support of DRAC Occitanie, the Equation des Arts et du patrimoine offers the audience a variety of workshops and performances: heritage, engineering, storytelling, mathematics, embroidery and music young and old to experiment, discover and dream thanks to the artists who came to show them their skills and ability to invent .

The last session of this cultural summer will give way to singing. On Thursday 25 August, from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm, the Notes de passage, from Verdun-sur-Garonne, will host the start of the singing workshop. The name of the company indicates a clear desire not to take itself too seriously because the passing notes are those in which the singer feels weak in his voice. During this workshop, opera and operetta will be called to help participants discover their passing notes.

in the evening at 9 pm, with the show “La cantatrice et son semi-bald”, Margaux Jaubert, soprano; Pierre Bougnier, baritone and Fabien Bru, pianist, driven by the same desire to have people discover the lyrical repertoire in places where they least expect it, will re-visit the famous melodies from the opera, from the operetta by bringing, – we would have guessed – a touch of humor and a touch of fantasy.

The Compagnie Notes de passage challenges those who consider lyrical art to be boring or outdated. She invites them to discover the joy of singing thanks to the morning workshop, and in the evening to agree to cast aside their prejudices through utterance!

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Fifty minutes of guaranteed fun at Le Lomagnol Beaumont Leisure Center, Thursday, August 25, 9pm, Sunflower Room. free entry.

Information and registration for Fermat Science at 05 63 26 52 30 or by email [email protected]. www.fermat-science.com

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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