Quebec has decided to move forward in the fight against cancer by expanding certain screening programs and improving the data collected, a move welcomed by the Canadian Cancer Society.
“For the first time, we have preventive measures included in the plan, we have measures around screening, better alignment between certain services and better use of data in public decision-making,” summed up David Renaud, senior director of the public interest advocacy team at the Canadian Cancer Society.
While he acknowledges that it is a “good plan,” he nonetheless hopes that concrete measures will emerge from it to access screening programs.
“The advantage of screening is that we will be able to better prevent cancer, increase survival rates, and reduce the burden of treatment if we can detect people early,” he said, noting that this would make it possible to reduce the burden on the health system.
While this initiative may also represent additional costs with the launch of programmes and the expansion of screening, Mr. Reno was keen to point out that this could lead to savings in human resources thanks to the reduction in the number of cancer cases.
Watch the full interview in the video above.