Florida could close some Disney World attractions

Florida could close some Disney World attractions

In the midst of the war against Disney, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis now has an ally in a position of power against the entertainment company.

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Glenn Gilzian, a longtime DeSantis aide, has been named administrator of the tax district where the Florida theme park is located, according to reports. Orlando Sentinel.

Mr. Gilzian was previously appointed Central Florida Tourism Control Area, which also unanimously adopted a new enforcement program as well as the appointment of new enforcement officers. These will work with Glen Gilzean and can issue fines at the Walt Disney World Resort.

Although the rules to be followed have not yet been announced, they must be followed to the letter by the theme park, as Glen Gilzean agents will be able to impose fines of up to $500 per day on anyone. With regulations.

Mr. Gilzian will also have the power to close attractions that violate a yet-to-be-determined law.

This new fight is part of the months-long standoff between Governor DeSantis and Disney.

The Republican politician revoked the special status the company had in the Orlando area after Disney publicly opposed a law prohibiting teachers from talking to students about gender identity or sexual orientation until fourth grade.

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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