Football: good operation for the Portuguese

Football: good operation for the Portuguese

In the match described by Benoit Storboa in the capital, the Portuguese from Amiens did the job and won 3-1 against Gamachis.

If the start of the match was somewhat bleak, the Amiens dominated the match by getting many good chances (13, 16, 18′, 20) and finally caught the error by Bodyvin (1-0, 25 degrees). Go ahead, keep going and get Penalty that da vegain the root of the verb, is responsible for the conversion (2-0, 37 degrees). The 22 players are back in the locker room, after another big chance from the locals (45′ + 1), with a logical score of 2-0.

After a first spade on the way back from the locker room (48 degrees), Storboa quickly gave the Portuguese a huge advantage (3-0, 51 degrees). Opportunities to raise the mark higher, (58, 59, 67) are not lacking, but in the end it is level allowing Gamashis to fill in the gap in one of his rare possibilities (3-1, 73 degrees Celsius). The match can turn intopackage hard to explain Gnue After a few minutes (82′), but though a mail from Beto (90’+1), things stayed there. So Benoit Storboa’s men climbed one place in the rankings, Fifth It is now clear that it is moving away from the turbulence zone.

FC Porto Amiens – AS Gamaches : 3-1 (2-0)

Targets: Poidevin (25′), Da Veiga (37′ sp), Sturbois (51′) for Amiens; Level (73) for Gamaches

Porto Amiens : Gningue – Ameur, Touré, Devauchelle, Idez – Ribeiro, Facquier – Da Veiga, Sturbois, Nianzou – Poidevin
Ward: Boulavrad, Ceret

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Morgan Schumer
Image credit: Reynald Valleron – Gazette Sports

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About the Author: Germano Álvares

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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