Football: The Portuguese murmurs to Saint Nicholas

Football: The Portuguese murmurs to Saint Nicholas

There are not many other words to describe the convincing 8-0 victory of Portuguese club Porto Amiens over Artesian de San Nicolas on Sunday.

Gningue wins head-on (11′) and the entire fate of the game is turned upside down. A few moments later, five shots on goal followed in less than three minutes on goal by Agiz, the gatekeeper of Mediola. Two of them hit the bull’s-eye to double Bodyvin (2-0, 15 degrees, 16 degrees). After a few minutes, the match was almost over. peas Obtains Penalty it turned, Red card in the key to Ndinglicky (3-0, 27′). From then on, the Portuguese opened up. enliven grandfather transverse (30 minutes) , da vega exacerbates the sign (4-0, 36′), soon followed Isambart (5-0, 43′) And the peas for double (6-0, 45 min + 3).

The second period is more a matter of management, but the Amiens still drive the point home. new dimension amount found this time da vega (46′), peas There goes his triplets (7-0, 59′). then four times (8-0, 65 degrees). Satisfied, leaves new Penalty to me Isambart which places it nevertheless above (71′). The result is still there, the Portuguese are reassured and are back to first Rank.

FC Porto Amiens – San Nicolas : 8-0 (6-0)

Targets: Poidevin (15′, 16), Despois (27′ sp, 45′ + 3, 59, 65), Da Veiga (36′), Isambart (43)

Porto club Amiens : Gningue – Ribeiro, Seguenebou, Wable, Siradjidini – Facquier, Yahiaoui – Da Veiga, Despois, Isambart – Poidevin

New arrivals: Reynolds, Vasseur, Devauchelle

Morgan Schumer
Image credit: Kevin Devigne – Gazette Sports (archive)

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About the Author: Germano Álvares

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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