Freemasonry is on a strong rampage: The Grand Master of the Lebanese government suspends one of the largest lodges in the north

Freemasonry is on a strong rampage: The Grand Master of the Lebanese government suspends one of the largest lodges in the north

From our colleague – Carlos Rodriguez Lima

Fernando Cabesina reported numerous irregularities at the Estrela do Norte Lodge, forbidding its members from participating in Masonic sessions.

The Grand Master of the Grande Oriente Lusitaniana (GOL), Fernando Capesina, has decided to suspend the Estrela do Norte lodge, one of the largest lodges in Porto, and to prevent its members from “participating in any Masonic session during the period of suspension,” according to Decree No. 23.24/005, which was managed VISO has no access to it.

Grand Master Fernando Cabesina. © DR/Grande Oriente Lusitano

The decision of the new Grand Master caused numerous internal disturbances within the government, the largest Masonic obedience in Portugal, as it was considered “unprecedented”. “As far as I can remember, a grandmaster has never behaved this way in front of the hostel,” a member of the Grande Oriente Lusitano told VISIO.

In the decree in question, signed by Fernando Cabesina and Pedro Farmhouse (Grand Secretary General), several alleged irregularities committed by Loja Estrella do Norte officials were listed, such as failure to send updated “workers’ schedules” with code names (as defined within the store) Secular (real names) and monthly reports.

“In light of these facts, it becomes impossible to prove the reliability of employees (the number and identity of each of them – uncertainty in initiatives, affiliations, organizations, regulations, radiations or elevations and exaltations), as well as the value of the debt towards the company. “Great Public Treasury”, we read in the document that highlights A series of steps taken by the Secretary General of Loja Estrella do Norte which, in the opinion of the leaders of the Lebanese government, did not receive a satisfactory response.

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“In summary, we conclude that Loja Estrella do Norte has been in an irregular situation with the Lebanese government at least since March 2017 and has not shown an effective desire to clarify the positions and resolve them properly, neither before the Great Secretariat nor before the Great Treasury.” The General, despite Several calls for attention, he has been limited, until today, to sending alternative documents after alternative documents”, see, in the decree, to Fernando Cabesina, who did not respond to communications from VISíO, and to Pedro Farmhouse, who refused to make any statement on “internal matters”. .

Fernando Cabesina was elected, in November 2021, Grand Master of the Grande Oriente Lusitanienne (GOL), the oldest affiliation of Portuguese Freemasonry, replacing Fernando Lima, who had held the position since 2011. The business leader is a history of the organization, having four times presided over the Grand Parliament (Masonic Parliament).

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About the Author: Irene Alves

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