With Cranves-Sales and Veigy, Faverges Portugais is one of three small Hautes-Savoyards in the four-lane regionH Tour Coupe de France. However, Vavergyan’s club, founded in 1977, was supposed to improve this season in Division 2, after being named D3 champion last year. But because there was no youth team, the association headed by Manuel Henriques was prevented from joining.
Despite the disappointment, the entire squad left under Jonathan Wendling, who arrived this summer from Chambery where he played for the reserve team (R2) and is making his first experience as a head coach.
Assault fleet
With the creation of an Under-17 squad in the off-season, Portugal’s AS Faverges are now in a good position and are therefore once again aiming to reach D2. Two days into the tournament, the Greens are already at the top of their group. In the Coupe de France, David Ventura’s teammates took down two D2 teams, Morzine and Creys Morestel.
In five matches in all competitions combined, Portuguese Faverges scored 29 goals! “The team’s strength lies in its attacking fleet. “We know that we will not have a lot of the ball against Chambery, but we are counting on the speed of our attackers to deal well with counterattacks,” Wendling declared.
If the Chambéry club includes Nassim Akror (49 years old), the Portuguese Favrej will count among others on Ventura, Jardier, Duru and L’Hotel Bordin to make history in the match.
Third round: He defeated Chris Morstel (D2) 5-1.
Second round: Won over Morzine (D2) 6-1.
First round: Won over Marigny (4th minute) 10-0