From June 21 to 23, three days of Saint-Jean celebrations in Clermont-Ferrand

From June 21 to 23, three days of Saint-Jean celebrations in Clermont-Ferrand

It's Midsummer's Day again. It is a tradition that the Portuguese never deviate from. Given the enthusiasm the festival causes every year in Clermont-Ferrand, we understand why. It begins this evening, Friday, June 21, and continues until Sunday, June 23.

In Braga, Porto or Guimarães, midsummer lights up Portuguese days and evenings. So, Clermont-Ferrand, where the community is large, will also play the game from the evening of Friday, June 21, until Sunday.

As every year, the Os Camponeses Minhotos Association is in charge of this celebration. On the program of these three days: parades, Portuguese folk dances, orchestras, concerts, fireworks and the traditional midsummer bonfire.

Friday, June 21. Place du 1er-Mai, from 8:30 p.m. Entertainment will be provided by the Clermont-Ferrand Concertina Group. For the rest of the evening, the big karaoke finale will be held, and the Philippe Martins Orchestra will be there and will close the ball on the first day of the launch.

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Saturday 22 June. The celebrations will begin with a parade at 5 p.m. from Place Jude to Clermont-Ferrand City Hall. Popular groups will take turns providing entertainment. From 8 pm, at Place du 1er-Mai, several groups will take over: (Concertinas group from Clermont-Ferrand, Zès Preiras group from Bourges, Mario group Images & Claire L5, etc.). With unmissable fireworks and midsummer shows, accompanied by the Hugo Banda Orchestra from Portugal.

Sunday 23 June. From 2:10 p.m., the parade will run from Place Delille to Place du 1er-Mai. With Miss Portugal Regions France 2024, the Lusitanian horses or the Os Camponeses Minhotos group. Then, from 3 p.m., the party will continue at Place du 1er-Mai with free performances.

The full program can be found in full at

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About the Author: Germano Álvares

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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