Game of Thrones: George R.R. Martin announces 8 new series

Game of Thrones: George R.R. Martin announces 8 new series

This is huge news for fans game of thrones. Its creator, George R.R. Martin, recently announced during an interview that several spin-offs of his original series could see the light of day… only one has gotten the green light so far. This is what we know.

On May 20, 2019, the world discovered the stunning conclusion to this saga game of thrones. An episode that has sparked great controversy so far, concluding eight seasons and more than 70 episodes. Since then, fans of this seriesHeroic fantasy Hopefully we’ll see other stories from this universe brought to the small screen. They were spoiled by the arrival of the introduction Dragon House, in August 2022. Rumors from the arcades confirmed that another Seven Kingdoms series is in the works. George R.R. Martin (finally) said more about these many projects on the Portuguese podcast mic Pancast Last November 6.

This exchange with the Portuguese media was above all an opportunity for the American writer to acknowledge the writing of his latest book Iron throneVolume 6 Winter winds It’s not over yet. “I wish I could write as quickly as possible [Bernard Cornwell] “But I’m 12 years late for this damned novel, and it’s giving me trouble.”-Did you announce? While there are already 1,100 pages written, “I still have hundreds of pages to complete.”.

Longtime fans certainly understood that they would have to accept the ending from a book game of thronesAnd so they moved on to other things waiting to see new stories on their small screen. If we already know this season 2 of Dragon House Arriving by 2024, it is also certain that a series will be developed about Ser Duncan The Tall, also known as Dunk, and his sidekick named Egg, who is none other than Aegon V Targaryen.

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Hedge Knight Only Confirmed…

In fact, his short stories are titled Tales of the donk and the egg It will be the subject of a series whose first season will consist of 6 episodes, as he noted in his blog last April. This story focuses on Aegon V, the fifteenth king of the Targaryen dynasty to ascend the Iron Throne. This historical figure from this universe is particularly known for having been the companion of Ser Duncan the Tall, a famous knight from Westeros. These facts go back 100 years before the events game of thrones That is, 200 years after that Dragon House. So this adaptation is guaranteed, and should see the light… one day. It must have a title Hedge knight. The author of the fantasy novel did not provide further information regarding casting or potential release period, but specified:

“I also have eight other spin-off series in development. Dunk and Egg has been given the green light. The others, not yet, but we’re working on it.”

But what about the series that talks about Jon Snow? Or the movie about Aegon the Conqueror, the first king of the Seven Kingdoms? It appears that these projects, like other ideas discussed in high places at HBO, are still in the concept stage. So you’ll have to be patient to see other parts of this story come to life.

Until then, back to the excellent series game of thrones And Dragon Houseis available on Prime Video via the Warner Pass add-on option.

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sources: Pancast, ScreenRant, the first show

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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