Event categories:
22 Allée du Cassieu-Castelnaudary-09-23-2023
Rugby World Cup 2023 – Rugby in the Prairie: Georgia/Portugal 22 Allée du Cassieu Castelnaudary, 23 September 2023, 22 Allée du Cassieu Castelnaudary.
Castelnaudary, Audi
On the occasion of the 2023 Rugby World Cup and during the “Rugby in the Marj” festival, Eden Park is broadcasting World Cup matches on a giant screen with drinks, paintings, etc.
See you on Saturday, September 23 at 2pm for the Georgia-Portugal match!
2023-09-23 14:00:00 End: 2023-09-23. .
22 Allie di Casio
Castelnaudary 11400 Audi Occitanie
On the occasion of the 2023 Rugby World Cup and during the “Rugby in the Marj” festival, the Garden of Eden broadcasts World Cup matches on giant screens, with drinks and paintings…
Join us on Saturday, September 23rd at 2pm to watch Georgia vs Portugal!
In conjunction with the 2023 Rugby World Cup and the “El rugby está en la pradera” festival, Eden Park is broadcasting World Cup concerts on a giant screen, with children’s and appetizers available…
Our news is on Saturday, September 23rd at 2:00pm for the Georgia/Portugal concert
Announcement of the 2023 World Rugby Championship and the year of the “Rugby in the Prairie” festivals for the Garden of Eden.
We are now on Saturday 23rd and 14th September 2019 and 2020 for the match between Georgia and Portugal!
Updated on 11-09-2023 by ADT de l’Aude / OT – Castelnaudary Lauragais Audois
22 Alle de Cassio Castelnaudare