Giovanna Eubank says she couldn’t take her children to Portugal: ‘She cries’ | Pop music and art

Giovanna Eubank says she couldn’t take her children to Portugal: ‘She cries’ |  Pop music and art

Giovanna Eubank says she couldn’t take her children to Portugal: ‘She cries’ | Pop music and art

Giovanna Eubank was unable to travel to Portugal with her children and part of her family. The actress and presenter, shared the situation around Xian, the youngest son, on Instagram on Tuesday afternoon (26).

We were supposed to travel as a family to Portugal. We got up at eight in the morning and headed to the airport. We arrived in São Paulo and were unable to enter,” Giovanna explains in a video.

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The confusion at the airport arose on Monday (25th) from what she told the stories.

“I have Portuguese and Brazilian passports from Tite and Bliss. And only Xian is Portuguese. Now we are waiting for permission from Bruno, who is in Spain, to take the baby with me. »

“We are seven people. We had to get the suitcase off the plane. She’s crying,” she commented.

Children under the age of 17 accompanied by parents or guardians do not need special permission to travel abroad, a valid Brazilian passport is sufficient.

But in the case of Giovanna, since she was without Bruno Galiaso, the husband and father of the children, it is necessary to issue a statement with a notarized signature, according to the Children and Adolescents Act (ECA).

  • Read also: Check the conditions for children to board domestic and international flights

The family is still waiting in São Paulo for the document flight.

In the absence of a parent or guardian, both must present a notarized document permitting travel.

This type of certificate is removed when the minor presents a valid passport with express permission to travel abroad without an accompaniment.

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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