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Head first to the Vosges du Nord massif, where, more than fifty years after it closed, an old glass factory has found a new lease of life. Then turn towards the Loire River, towards the Church of Saint-Pierre de Firminy-Vert, which appears “Microarchitectures of experience”. In Ilhavo, Portugal, you’ll find the oldest porcelain factory in Portugal. It ended in Milan, to rediscover the influential design work of architect Aldo Rossi.
Meisenthal uses glass fiber
The brick chimney, which stopped smoking more than half a century ago, is still around, and admittedly a bit dilapidated. One of the world’s oldest centers of glassmaking – born in 1704 and closed in 1969 – is now a beacon to a new place of life and culture, housing a museum, artisan glass production, galleries and a shop, all connected by a concrete spiral that hugs the ripples of the surrounding mountains.
This re-transformation of the glass Meisenthal site, in Moselle, carried by the community of Pays de Bitche municipalities (46 municipalities and 35,500 inhabitants), is the work of New York Architects SO-IL, associated with the Parisian Freaks Agency. It has taken them four years of work since 2018, with the support of the Bettencourt-Schueller Foundation, to transform this industrial wasteland into a tourist spot in a rural setting, which opened in 1Verse mayo.
It is also the culmination of the efforts of an association of volunteers who since the 1980s have surrounded themselves with Glass Veterans, mobilized to avoid losing their lands heritage, in the Northern Regiment.
“Thanks to good intentions and a bit of string, we first set up a small glass museum here, and then, in 1992, set up the International Center for the Arts. [CIAV]And the To preserve and impart craft practice. Until, finally, this wonderful contemporary glass pool »CIAV Director Jan Greenenberger recalls the emotion in the audio.
Visitors can expect a fun and informative walk, lasting approximately two hours. It allows a transition from the history of the usual glass used for tableware, then art glass, to the blowing show, with a ballet for cane-equipped pickets to blow around glowing honey (molten glass), and finished, why not, with an exhibition of contemporary art in the old glass hall of the factory that was At its peak, it employed as many as 650 workers.
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