God, Science, Evidence – Exaudi

God, Science, Evidence – Exaudi

If a person in his country wins the first prize in the lottery, it is said that he was lucky. If he wins it twice, he will be said to be lucky. If he wins it a third time, the financial police arrive to understand the fraud, because no one will believe that he won it by chance or luck. The same thing happens with “chance” when we talk about the universe, and today many scientific disciplines lead to the same result.

With this approach, the authors, Michel-Yves Bolloré and Olivier Bonassis, in an interview conducted in Rome on March 20 with EXAUDI, explain their international bestseller: “God, Science, Proofs”.

“We want this book – as Yves Bolloré points out – to be very precise, that is, in everything that is explained, from numbers, names, and so on. But at the same time, it is very easy to read and accessible to anyone even without scientific training.

He adds his desire “for the book to be entertaining, even if it contains many pages, even for children aged fifteen and over, with quotes, colorful pictures, etc., so that all the people who have asked themselves the question about the existence of God – and there are many people who wonder – He can contain in one volume all the reasons that human intelligence can say on this subject.

When asked about the possibility of matter being eternal, Olivier Bonassis says that this is “a very important point because materialists are forced to believe that matter has always existed.” Just 100 years ago, all scientists believed that the universe was eternal and stable, but at this point, everyone agrees that – as Parmenides, the Greek philosopher who lived 2,600 years ago, said – “Nothing can arise from nothing.” “Today we know that it had a beginning, that it will have an end, that it expands and comes from the Big Bang. “This point raises the question of the existence of a Creator God,” Bonassis explains. “Thermodynamics also shows that the universe is expendable,” he adds.

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“An investigation – continues Michel-Yves Bolloré – on a very specific and limited topic, on whether there is something external that created the universe according to rationality. Dozens of different and independent disciplines are brought to the table so that the reader can judge, ponder and judge what is the most rational response to the thesis of whether God exists or not. Then all the files converge towards the answer, starting with science, without forgetting philosophy and ethics, but also history with Jesus, the Bible, Fatima, supernatural historical events, and others.

Among the strongest arguments are the rules of the universe, Bonassis points out, “because in the formation of the universe, there are variables, from primacy, quantum mechanics, physics, values ​​and their relationships, biology, chemistry, everything.” And others without whom life would not be possible.

Furthermore, he adds, there are 30 parameters in the universe that all point to the same point, so it's not a coincidence. Theories of cycles, the multiverse, etc. do not work and atheists themselves deny each other.

In response to the question of whether science proves the existence of God and what faith is, Yves Bolloré pointed out that there is a difference between understanding the existence of God and faith. He added: “In France, the president is Macron, and I believe in his existence, even though I have never seen him personally, but in other ways. It is one thing to know it exists and another to hold on to it. Faith is adherence to God. “

Bonassis adds that faith and reason agree. “You can be certain, thanks to reason, of the existence of God by existing things such as the universe, its beginning or its end, without any revelation. But beyond science, there are also revelations, and both of them correspond to different evidence.

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This volume, which has sold more than 300,000 copies, contains an introduction by Robert W. Wilson, Nobel laureate in physics, originally in French, also in Spanish, and is now available in an Italian edition.

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