Goleada na Taça de Portugal

Goleada na Taça de Portugal
Victorian Women’s Football wins their favorite Adventure Cup by 0-7
Goleada na Taça de Portugal

Taça Festival translates to Chariot of Golos. A women’s football team from Vitória SC visited Destreza Aventura late in the day and in expressive form, by 0-7, in a game of 2.ª Eliminatória da Taça de Portugal.

Separated by division, the weight of patronage falls on the shoulders of the Guimarães team. The superior team of Vitoriana ficou confirmed our motto in the first minutes, as the team was ordered by Ivo Roque to fire different spears from Perigo. The first ball came at 10, with Ines Macedo showing the Rei ao Peito mark. The splurge is amplified in 18 minutes with a short book by Beatrice Condotto, jogadora que viria a marcar o terceiro golo 5 minco depois.

On the other hand, the invaders seek to expand and dry up the Sidhu quickly. Beatriz Condotto scored the team’s fourth goal and scored a hat-trick in the 52nd minute. Minutes after that, Madalina Tatar, who is down or injured, falls on the “branquinha” sign. Já perto do fim do jogo, ainda hove tempo para but you have to try certainty: like the youngsters Maria Neto and Carolina Veloso fizeram o 0-6 and 0-7 respectively.

This resulted in volume, as Vitória SC was on the front line in the Taça de Portugal de futebol feminino. Last week, the Raiders entered the first phase of the Second National Division by welcoming FC Tersence, November 18, 15 hours.

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About the Author: Lucinda Lima

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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