Google, the leader in healthcare artificial intelligence, lays out its vision to transform healthcare

Google, the leader in healthcare artificial intelligence, lays out its vision to transform healthcare

FGreg Corrado is leading the development of artificial intelligence tools that he believes will dramatically improve healthcare in the coming years.

“It is not out of the range of possibilities that we can scale back [global] Corrado, director of artificial intelligence for health at Google’s search division, told STAT about one of its main efforts, which would harness artificial intelligence. To scan ultrasound images for life-threatening pregnancy complications. But as the company met to public disclosure His advances into healthcare AI this week, Corrado, the unabashed evangelist of the transformative power of AI, has drawn a rarely heard warning amid Silicon Valley’s push to use technology to reinvent medical service delivery.

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About the Author: Octávio Florencio

"Evangelista zumbi. Pensador. Criador ávido. Fanático pela internet premiado. Fanático incurável pela web."

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