Graphene in HPV vaccines?

Graphene in HPV vaccines?

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This weekend, Oh My Fake returns to the “miracle” material, graphene, that is buzzing social networks and is in our vaccines. We will try to answer these questions in this week’s episode

Graphene in HPV vaccines? Can we be controlled remotely by injecting it into our bodies? This is one of the many rumors circulating about graphene. What if this notoriety came from graphene’s exceptional qualities?

It is known that this material is the thinnest in the world, it is one of the lightest, strongest, most flexible and most electrically conductive. We often tell you that many consider it the “miracle substance” that would allow massive technological and medical advances in the coming years. Except that, for many conspirators, it is a temptation that we would like to inject into our bodies, by all means, to control us from a distance. Oh My Fake goes into detail on this theory in the video at the top of this article.

Be strong against fake news

OMF Oh fake on Snapchat Discoverthis is a program 20 minutes This makes you strong against False news, and invites you to broader understanding of the psychological wellsprings and biases that encourage sharing and spreading. In addition to knowing whether “it is true or false”, the important thing is rather to understand “why did we believe it?”, by analyzing the mechanisms that make rumors, often false, so attractive that even seasoned minds – like yours! – You can give in to it.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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