Graulhet. Professional integration: 8 young people on an internship in Lisbon

Graulhet.  Professional integration: 8 young people on an internship in Lisbon

8 young people accompanied by the Tarn Sud Local Mission on a professional integration course will carry out an internship in a company in Lisbon, from May 26 to June 24.

The youth group is currently taking advantage of individual interviews and group workshops in preparation for the month-long residency they will experience, from 26 to 24 June, offered by the medium training organization Parcours le monde Sud-Ouest.

For its part, Euroyouth Portugal has prepared their accommodation on site, by finding group accommodation and host companies aligned with their professional projects. Euroyouth Portugal is the reference organization in Lisbon for monitoring apprenticeships.

The Erasmus+ program allows young Europeans under the age of 30, with or without a diploma, to stay abroad to strengthen their skills and increase their employability. The local mission Tarn Sud, in partnership with the Occitanie region, and the organizations Parcours le monde Sud-Ouest (Toulouse) and Euroyouth Portugal (Lisbon), allows Chiara, Karen, Leonard, Luke, Nicolas, Sana, Victoria and Jasmine to do this. This internship in Portugal in the professional sector of their choice.

From the first week of their stay, the introductory Portuguese language courses will facilitate their integration and the cultural visit will allow them to discover the cities of Sintra and Cascais, around Lisbon. When they return to Tarn at the beginning of July, their professional and personal achievements will be highlighted during a presentation to representatives of the Occitani region, the Tarn administration and members of the local mission board. As a reminder, the Tarn Sud Local Mission aims, in partnership with the local and state authorities, to promote the integration of young people between the ages of 16 and 25 who are not in school, and to combat exclusion. Its role is to welcome, inform and guide all young people between the ages of 16 and 25 to enable them to access employment and become independent. As part of its public service mission, it offers young people personal support related to employment and training, but also social and civic support (mobility, housing, health, budget, psychological counseling, etc.).

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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